seventeen. a disapointment

Start from the beginning

  "Are you fucking serious?" Jordan stood up angrily. This wasn't just some one time thing. 

  "No." Andre placed his hand out towards Jordan, trying to deny. 

  "Was that real?" they looked incredible;y betrayed. 

   "She didn't make you do it, did she?" Luke questioned Andre, already knowing the answer, after all this was Cate's head. "You wanted to.. Behind my back."

"I'm- I'm sorry..." Andre tried to apologize but the damage was already done. Luke died not even knowing the truth. 

 "I thought you were my best friend." Lukes eyes lit up a bright orange, as he was about to unleash a fiery rage. 

  "Whoah, woah, woah, woah, out of my way, cunts!" Dusty ran through the others, attempting to be the first person out of the room, but he was evaporated into a pulp of goop, by a blast of Lukes fire. 

 "Oh Jesus." Marie panicked. There was no way back to the real world for Dusty. He was dead. 

 Lukes eyes turned back to their normal hue, giving the others a chance to try and use their powers, yet they wouldn't work, no matter how hard anyone tried.

 Ari attempted to send the ceiling down on Lukes head, Andre tried to use his powers to bring a weapon of some sort, Marie tried to send a blood whip, and Jordan tried to switch, yet they couldn't. something was blocking their powers. 

Athena usually seemed powerless amongst all the others, yet she had an advantage as she knew a lot of battle strategy, and somehow her powers were working. She already knew what was going to happen before it actually happened.   

 "I can't switch." Jordan looked genuinely upset, as they were trapped in their male form, it was like their identity was immediately torn away from them. 

"It's going to be okay Jordan. My powers aren't working either, but we'll be fine." Ari placed a comforting hand amongst Jordan's shoulder. She would be there for them no matter what happened. 

"It looks like none of our powers are working." Marie tried to make herself, and the others feel better. She believed that this was just because they were in Cates mind, and that they would be fixed once they escaped it.

 "I still have mine..." Athena admitted, though she was trying hard to keep it a secret. 

 No one had the time to react to Athena's words as Luke's eyes lit up again, ready to turn them into ash. 

 "Ari! Ari! Run!" Andre screamed, as she was the last to make it out.

  "Ari!" Jordan had a terrified look on their face, as they sort of nudged her in front of them.

 "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Andre pushed them all out of the room, whilst Luke seemed to be following them. 

  "Seriously Andre, You're that guy?" Marie asked once it looked like they were all in the clear.

  "What the actual fuck Andre, how could you do that to Luke?" Ari couldn't even look her brother in the eye as she spoke. In this moment she couldn't stand the person he had become. 

 "What? you guys don't think I feel like a piece of shit? I loved her." Andre was ashamed with his own self, he knew what he had done was bad. And those three words changed Ari's perspective. She knew what it was like to love someone, or at least she thought she did. She always seemed to confuse love for hate. 

 Before Ari could say something, to let Andre know how she felt, she was interrupted by Luke, and Brink arguing in his office. 

  "Stop fucking lying to me!" Luke muttered from the other side of the door separating them from Brink's office. It was almost inaudible, so they moved toward the door.

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