"Gem of Panem, mighty city, through the ages, you shine anew."

Winter scoffed softly as his loud, proud voice carried over the masses who watched him. It was a vulgar display, showboating, and yet, it didn't surprise her that Coriolanus had jumped at the first chance to take centre stage.

Now that she had opened her eyes to him she realized that he was a terrible suck-up, had been for years, and was only interested in knowing you, in being your friend if he found you had something to offer him. For her, it had been her money and her status. All things he had planned on making his by marrying her.

Winter would rather be dead than suffer as the wife of Coriolanus Snow. She had put her foot down and made her opinion on the matter clear, but she still pitted the poor girl who would ultimately be stuck with him.

Generous applause sounded as he finished, Winter did not partake, instead, she watched as his face turned towards her for the first time. He stood tall and proud, with a yellow rosebud pinned to his chest despite the small purple bruise that bloomed on his cheekbone. She couldn't hide her smile when she saw it.

She was glad she had left a mark, she was glad that he'd have to scramble to come up with an excuse every time someone asked about it, knowing that he'd never admit the real reasoning behind it. She only wished she had hit him hard enough to knock out a few of his perfect teeth while she was at it.

"Three days ago, Arachne Crane's young and precious life was ended, and so we mourn another victim of the criminal rebellion that yet besieges us," The President's booming voice sounded as he took to the mic. No, Winter found herself thinking. The rebels didn't kill her, she got herself killed by tormenting a scared, helpless child. "Her death was as valiant as any on the battlefield, her loss more profound as we claim to be at peace. But no peace will exist while this disease eats away at all that is good and noble in our country. Today we honor her sacrifice with a reminder that while evil exists, it does not prevail. And once again, we bear witness as our great Capitol brings justice to Panem."

Winter jumped as the drums began a slow, deep boom, the crowds turning as the funeral procession rounded the corner.

She found it funny that the man hadn't seen the irony in his words. Evil did exist but it was them, they were the ones sending innocent children to their deaths as punishment for a war their parents believed in. And they would not prevail, not if she and Dolon had anything to do with it.

The brigade of Peacekeepers, twenty wide and forty deep walked flawlessly in time with the drums as they led the procession. The next thing Winter had spotted had confused her greatly. It had been a long, flatbed truck with a crane attached to it. Her furrowed brows followed the long neck up and instantly regretted it.

There, dangling from its hook, was the bullet-ridden body of the District Ten girl.

The redhead's hands instantly covered the gasp of horror that left her mouth, her tear-filled eyes snapping down to see that the remainder of the tributes, even the ones that had been injured during the bombing, were shackled to the truck bed. She spotted Reaper quickly, he sat with his head down, Dill tucked tightly against his side.

She wanted to rush forward, to demand that they stop this instantly, but she knew better than to do that. She'd foil the plan or she'd be shot. All she could do was stand there, keep her head down, and pray that it would all be over soon.

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