Beacrox nodded and hurried off.


The little dragon was seeing something strange in his dream.

He didn't know exactly where he was, everything was dark, he couldn't distinguish.

But for some reason he could see the thing in front of him.


There was a child in front of him.

He couldn't see his face, the child had his back to him, so Raon knew nothing about him other than the color of his hair being black, and that he looked younger than Hong...

Raon was a smart child, and his instinct told him that this was the same child whose human had said he would come to visit.

Nothing was known about him except that he was a child with black hair. This is what his human said.

But he was confused when he noticed something...

There are scars...

Raon could see the child's scars in various places, but the colorful bruises were almost all over his body.

Raon felt sick, it reminded him of himself when he was locked up..

He wanted to get closer and see the child's face, but he couldn't move, he just looked like the viewer in this dream, he couldn't control his body.

As Raon wanted.

Suddenly the child moved and began to turn around slowly.


The little dragon's eyes shook.

He remembered how he sometimes felt a little hopeless when he was trapped in the cave, but...

It wasn't like that.

He certainly didn't look as bad as this child in front of him did.

The child's body was thin, his shoulders hunched as if they were carrying the weight of the world on top of them.

Even his face was filled with bruises, and his head was bleeding...

Worse than this....

His eyes...

The child's eyes were dark and without any light or life.

As if he was just waiting for his time to die.

Is this what true despair looks like...?

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