Part 6

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Hayley was depressed.

She thought her days of depression were over but no.... the depression came back and there was one indirect cause of it.

Jon Snow.

No matter how much she trained, how much she worked, how much she made conversation with other people, the thought of him wouldn't leave her mind.

He showed her unconditional kindness, was honest with her about himself, helped her when she arrived.... and she repaid him by telling him to leave his father, and then leaving him.

She had the right to do as she wanted, and even he understood that..... but all she felt was alone, something she always hated deep within her heart.

She felt peace and happiness when she left Hogwarts and traveled around, but she even felt happier at that bar in Wintertown when she served food and drinks to those working joyful people who smiled in the face of heavy Winters and praised her.

" Thank you, Hayley " a child thanked her after she treated his wound in one of the villages she passed through in the lonely hills and she moved on.

She had taken up work as a healer with her knowledge of making medicines and treating wounds. It brought her some form of peace to keep her mind off things.

" Oye, Fran, heard of that monster on Skagos, me cozin once went there - ".

" it ain't real !, those damn Skags make up stories to scare us ".

Hayley was curious at what she heard. She had heard a lot about Skagos, and its culture was like that of the ancient celts. The mention of a monster also piqued her interest.

Once she was far away, she called Shiva through her bond and he came out of the ground.

She spoke Parseltongue " How are you, my friend ? ".

" I miss that bird " Shiva sadly answered.

" As do I, but I know what will cheer you up, an adventure " Hayley smiled " We are going to Skagos ".


" Damn ! " Robb groaned as he fell from the knockback spell thrown at him.

It has been 11 days since Jon helped awaken Robb's abilities and had him do simple spells like Lumos and the levitation spell to help him adjust to his magic.

Then it went onto the ones like the bombardment spell Jon was currently learning.

He had him do all sorts of strange exercises like standing over his head with his arms for support with his legs and torso up. Then he had to cling to a branch with his legs crossed and lift his upper body up and down repeatedly.

Then he forced him to run aimlessly and dodge projectiles thrown his way.

" learn to move like I do, you need to let your body loose and jump into action " Jon said.

" not easy !, body's too stiff and set "

" should have practiced being fast and flexible like I did in childhood " Jon rolled his eyes.

" how about you teach me that red energy spear thing ? " Robb asked.

" too risky, you will risk cutting your hand off unless you learn to improve how to channel your magic " Jon shook his head " Hayley refused to teach me that until I had good control ".

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