Part 2

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17 year old Jon cut his way through 4 Wildlings in the Wolfswood from the band of 80 that ambushed him. He pushed an incoming Wildling into another and thrusted his sword through them both and decapitated another.

It had been 3 weeks since he had frequently begun to meet and talk with Hayley and learned new things from her as they continued sharing stories. She also started teaching him hand to hand combat and it was a unique experience. Jon was a quick learner.

He had taken to the meditation techniques she would teach him and steps to stretch his body, to create more flexibility.

That was helping him evade attacks left and right as he punched another Wildling and grabbed his weapon with his left hand to kill him and 3 more in quick succession through slashes with both axe and sword.

Ghost came out of nowhere and tore and slashed through 4 more of them.

" Stop ! " A red haired and bearded Wildling stopped the others from attacking as he stared at the Wolf and the boy who cut through many of his men. Some of them shit themselves while others tried to be braver.

Jon glared at him while Ghost growled.

" what's ye' name ? " The Redhead asked " look like Benjen Stark ".

" Jon Snow " Jon answered with his sword raised.

" Tormund Giantsbane " the Redhead introduced himself " you fight like a Free folk..... I will name a grandson after you ".

He attacked Jon with an axe and they both fought like hell.


Ned was shocked to see Jon enter the gates of Winterfell, covered in blood, but he had no wound and the blood was not his, but it was those of the Wildlings he brought back, holding a sword and axe over their heads as they came forward bruised and bloodied.

Everyone else had the same thoughts as they started whispering or expressing their shock.

Some men raised their weapons at the Wildlings until Ned halted them.

" What is going on ? " Ned looked at Jon, then at the Wildlings.

" I'm not even sure anymore " Jon shrugged " I fought them, killed them and beat the shit out of their leader, and then they started kneeling to me..... we can use more Hunters, can't we ? ".

Ned looked at Jon with a raised eyebrow, and then looked at a grinning blood toothed and black swollen eyed Tormund..... and then he sighed as he looked at Jon " it's your responsibility..... if they cause a mess ".

The people were surprised at the approval in all but name as Jon nodded and went off with the Wildlings. They sighed and went off back to their work. They trusted Jon more than enough to not cause a havoc.

At least they would get entertainment out of that pansy Lizard of a King's reaction to the Wildlings.


" you have given him an army ! " Robb growled as he barged into his father's office.

" watch your tone, boy " Ned's icy tone silenced Robb and subdued him a little.

I'm front of him wasn't his father anymore, but it was The Magnar of Winterfell and Warden of the North, the Quiet Wolf, the reaper of the South.

The same man who blood eagled every male member of House Frey during the war after somehow blasting the walls of the Twins to shreds, who cut the heads of the Frey children.

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