Chapter 2: Brightened Worries

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(New Text from Leon)

Leon : Hi Strebs! :)

Streber: Hey Leon! What's up? :D

Leon: Do you mind around later, I can sleep over at yours and Ethan's house?

Streber: Hell yeah! Sounds fun. I'll make sure to get the couch ready.

Leon: Sweet! I'll see you then buddy!

Streber: 👍

Leon put his phone in his pocket and grabbed the cookies he bought from the store. They were chocolate chip and one of his favorites. He didn't need to buy them at all, but he wants to take his buddy's mind off of what he's going through and enjoy the moment.

Taking a deep breath, Leon hops out and locks his car. He walks up by the door and knocks on it, only for it to be opened by Streber in his Green shirt and bat pajamas.

"Leonn! How are you doing today bestie?" Streber exclaimed happily.

"I'm doing well! Hbu buddy?"

"I'm doing good as well! Just chilling out in my pajamas. Whatcha got there?"

"I got chocolate chip cookies for you, me and Ethan."

Streber looked at the cookies in joy. "Awesome! You can never go wrong with Chocolate chip."

"Sayy where is Ethan anyway?" Leon inquired.

"He's been in his room mostly. Normally he be out and about but, he hasn't really left for much at all" Streber explained.

Leon's smile started to fade. It hurts to see his best friend feel like this. Who or What caused such an impact to the person he cherished so much? So many thoughts spurred into his head, until Streber brought him back to the present.

"Hey. You good buddy?" Streber questioned.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." Leon said as he put the cookies by the counter.

Streber nodded and went to sit at the couch. However he perked back up when he came up with an idea.

"Hey Leon, what if we all played Rock Band 2 together?"

Leon smiled. That was one of Ethan's favorite games. "Sure! "

Streber smiled back. "Alrighty! Let me get Ethan out here. Can you set everything up? It should in the closet by the kitchen table."

"You got it!"

As Streber was heading over Ethan's room, Leon went to the closet and started grabbing everything they needed. This was his time to strike to help his best friend feel happy again.

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