She hugged me, nuzzling into my neck in the process. I brought out my arms from beneath the blankets and hugged her back as she eased further into our embrace. We stayed like that for a few moments, just enjoying each other's company in the silence. Once we were done, she separated; pulling her maroon scarf up over her face to hide her light blush.

     Mikasa: If you need anything at all, please let me know.

     Shockingly; she kissed me ever so lightly on the forehead! That was the last thing she did before she left the bedroom, closing the door behind her. I laid there in the silence for a bit, the events of the past few days catching up to me. It was almost too good to be true for me, a family that actually welcomed me and wanted me.

     The more I thought about everything, the more sleepy I got. My eyelids began to get heavier and heavier as I laid there, the comfort of the bed and warmth of the blankets and quilt soothing me. I turned my head to look out the window next to the bed. It was a lovely starry night, and all I could see was the sky from this angle. Hearing the crickets and various other sounds of the night outside, I began to fall asleep; my eyelids slowly closing as I lulled quietly to sleep.

     It was a beautiful morning as I walked through the garden, nature's beauty enrapturing me in a most elegant way. The fog gently rolled across the mountains in the distance as I walked through the flowers, their scent absolutely hypnotizing me. Everything was so heavenly as I looked up at the skies, fluffy grey clouds sliding across the sky.

     I continued walking through the expanses of the intricate garden; the various blooms and sculptures must have been maintained for centuries. The rain began to fall as I sniffed the beautiful flowers; the drops almost chilling as they fell from the clouds above. I quickly ran deeper into the massive garden where the trees were thicker with hopes of their grandiose limbs shielding me from the rain.

     The misty air soothed my senses as I inhaled; feeling as though it was clearing my sinuses. The long valley of gigantic trees just kept going forever and ever, as though this garden was infinite. The wet leaves overhead did shield me from the rain, but some raindrops would occasionally drip through and land on me.


     I saw her again.

The mysterious Tybur woman of whom I inherited my powers from. She stood at what looked to be the end of the valley of trees. This time though...she was wearing something slightly different. A completely black formal dress with a black hat; which had a black veil over it which covered her eyes. An outfit that looked like one of mourning at a funeral.

I began running to catch up to her. Every instinct I had was practically screaming at me to do so. She was the only beacon I had in this place. I wanted to reach her. I had to reach her. As I got closer got more and more difficult to run. Harder to keep up the pace. Like the air was growing thicker, like my very soul was weighed down by gravity. It felt as though my bones were going to snap just from the strain of standing.

I called out to her in desperation.

(Y/n): H-hey! Wait!

She didn't answer with her voice, but did glance back over her left shoulder at me; her lips a ruby color from the lipstick she wore. I still couldn't see her eyes since they were completely obscured by the dark veil. Her pale skin eerily matching the misty air around us.

As she looked back though...I heard them.

The same voices that called out and cheered as I rampaged through Liberio and Marley's capitol. The disembodied voices of the past, ripping through the recesses of my mind. I couldn't tell what any individual voice was saying, it was like walking into a crowded dining hall and hearing the collective voices of hundreds speaking amongst each other all at once.

     The closer I got to her; the more vicious, scathing, and violent the voices got. My hands started to shake and my head started to ache. The voices echoing all around my brain as they pounded my mind. I coughed into my hand, showing blood on my palm. All I could do...

     Was continue towards her.

     She took a few steps forward, her glossy black heeled shoes clicking against the rocky path. Before I knew it, I could tell that she was walking forward. She continued her steady walk until reaching a mysterious pond. It's water was completely still, not a movement in sight. Then she...walked forward. Her heels created ripples against the waters surface. She left an elegant trail of ripples across the water as she walked.

     She was walking on water.

     I continued towards her, determined to reach her and prayed that her touch could give some form of relief from the pain in my body. Or give some peace from the voices in my head. I just wanted to rest my head on her lap again, to feel comforted by her again.

     She reached the middle of the big pond, still standing on the water's surface; not a drop on her clothing. In front of her there on the other side of the pond was a waterfall, beautiful in it's majesty. She reached out to the waterfall; and out from behind it emerged...

     The little girl with the bucket.

     The little girl walked on the water's surface too; her bare feet creating elegant ripples against the water. There, she began to fill her bucket with the water of the pond. Her normally lifeless eyes gaining a beautiful violet glow. I put one foot out to step into the pond; but unlike the Tybur woman or the girl with the bucket, my foot went right in normally. I couldn't walk across the surface like they could.

     (Y/n): W-Wait!

     I called out once more, and this time the Tybur woman turned around to fully face me. She reached up to her head and removed the hat and veil she wore, her closed eyes being the last thing she revealed. I could feel my heart race, but I didn't know why. The little girl continued to fill her bucket with cupped hands, almost as if she respected the pond itself too much to just dip the entire bucket in.

     Down on my hands and knees, I looked down at the the water of the pond. The ripples distorting my reflection.

     I looked back up to the Tybur woman...


     She opened her eyes.

     Only they were very different this time. Her eyes were now a gleaming silver that threatened to burn through my very soul. A sterling silver flame born within her eyes flickered and shined through the rain, which had grown more hectic than it was prior.
She pointed down to the water, signaling me to look at it.

     I followed her index finger and looked at my reflection again; but as I looked the ripples began to relax. As I looked expecting my reflection...

     All I saw form in the water looking back at me...

     Was the Warhammer Titan.

     Suddenly and abruptly, before I could react; the giant armored hand of the Warhammer erupted from the water. It grabbed me in it's fist, slowly but steadily closing it's grip...


     And tighter...

     And even tighter...

     I could feel the life being drained out of me as I was crushed, every last agonizing bit. Tears fell from my eyes as I looked to the Tybur woman, whom was still looking right at me. Her calm lovely voice saying one final sentence. All voices in my head coming to an immediate halt so I'd hear her decree.

     Welcome to the Ancestral Homeland, (Y/n) (L/n).

     The Warhammer's thumb touched against my head and pressed down as though it were trying to crush me. Scared for my like, I let out one last yell.

     And that was when I woke up screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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