Strides Forward to the Goal

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"But there's no indication of air on any of these tiles, so it can't be that," Melody pointed out.

"Aw what if it ain't what they share in common, but what makes 'em different from each othuurr," Holly suggested, explaining, "Laake fur. Fish don't have fur laake the dog, cat, deer, ayn' horse does."

"But neither does a lizard," McJagger pointed out.

"Dangnabbit, good point," Holly commented while trying to think.

"Low-Note Jones suggests that it could do with diet," Low-Note Jones proposed, saying, "Fish, deer, and horses eat plants and veggies while dogs and cats eat meat, yet the lizard is the only option that eats bugs."

Aggie was thinking about this too, saying, "Low-Note Jones makes a valid point, but I don't think this has to do with diet."

"Note: Aggie make a very valid point," Laguna replied, saying, "On the other hand, though, Low-Note Jones' theory is also a valid option."

"This is futile; we'll never figure this out. And if we can't figure this out, we won't get to move on-," Dante proclaimed worryingly.

But as Dante was making his statement, the word "move" clicked in Laguna's mind, and in an instant, she realized something and smiled, saying, "That's it! Dante, you're a genius"!

That snapped Dante out of his panicked state, and ask, "I am"?

Laguna explained, "Guys, we were looking at it wrong; it;'s not about diet at all; it's about how the animals move"!

The group seemed visibly confused, with Synth saying, "Meh? I don't follow."

Laguna tried to explain it, saying to them, "Look at it like this: how many legs does a dog have to move around"?

"Four, easy peasy," Val replied.

"So does a cat, and a deer," Aggie pointed out.

"As does ayy lizard," Holly mentioned.

"And a horse too; I mean, we even have two Country Trolls here and they both walk on four legs," Melody pointed out while pointing to Holly and Buckaroo.

McJagger suddenly seemed to get what Laguna meant by asking this as he grinned, saying, "Oh yeah, I get it now! Almost all these animals are quadrapeds and walk on four legs"!

Laguna's smile grew brighter as she said, "Correct! And a fish has how many legs"?

"Ha! 'Guna, you funny," Stereo replied with a chuckle, starting to state, "Fish don't have legs, yo; they swim in the sea with-," before she gasped, realizing what Laguna was referring to, shouting, "Yo, I get it now"!

"What? What did you get, Stereo," Dante asked curiously.

Suddenly, Aggie was the next to get it, smiling and commenting, "Oh golly, of course! why didn't I think of that"?!

"Low-Note Jones got it too, baby," Low-Note Jones added once he understood what the answer was.

"I got it too," McJagger exclaimed with glee.

Buckaroo got it next, saying, "Oh horseshoes, she's raheet"!

Soon, it came to everyone else too, with the rest of the Trolls all realizing it and shouting, "Oh"!

"It all makes sense now," Holly exclaimed while clutching her head,

"How did we not think of THAT first," Melody declared while chuckling as she facepalmed at the same time.

"Bro, I get it now," Synth cheered.

"The fish tile is the safe tile because it has no legs," Dante proclaimed happily.

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