The promise

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When I was younger I used to have this tradition at night with my father. Every night after I got my night shot, I would walk over to my father excitedly before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and then a small nose rub with mine. I would do that every night before going to bed. But now that has changed. I never do that anymore, my father is either not home for me to do that or I'm just up in my room. Sometimes I randomly think about how I would do that, and how I promised myself that I would do that everyday, until I was older and had moved out. But unfortunately my younger self would never have there dream come true, how sad it really is. When I think about those memories of my nightly tradition with my father, my chest aches and my mind reminds me of how, I promised myself and how I broke my own promise.

(I would just like to say that "night shot" has nothing to do with alcohol, it means insulin shot. Sorry for any confusion)

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