"YO LOVE BIRDS! TIME TO FILM!" Sam said rushing it if the bathroom with a camera.

We both jumped up into a sitting position and gave Sam an evil glare.

"Dang, that didn't make you talk?!" Sam said pointing the camera at Colby.

He just shook his head and laid under the covers. I got up and took the covers with me so Colby just got to lay on the bed. I walked over towards Colby and pulled on his arm before he grabbed mine and pulled me back on the bed on top of him.

"Well that didn't work either." Sam said still holding the camera.

I tried to push myself off of Colby but he just wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"I'm not gonna let-" Colby said in my ear without finishing.

"Haha!" I said lifting my up my face as much as I could so I could see his face.

"Shhh," Colby said moving his arms so my head went back down.

"Haha, she'll just beat you again!" Sam said laughing.

"No! I'll win!" Colby said rolling us over so he was laying on me instead.

Sam turned the camera off and threw our bags on Colby and I.

"Oww!" Colby said still laying on me.

"Get off!!" I said kicking my feet.

"Never!" Colby said holding me tighter.

"Okay children nock it off and get ready!" Sam said pulling Colby who was still holding me so I got dragged also.

Colby finally released me and I grabbed my bags and raced him to the bathroom. I got a head start so I beat him and I started to get changed.

I went through my bag and picked out my favorite black cargo pants, a tight white crop top, and throwing on top my 'Colby Brock Denim Jacket.'

I brushed threw my hair and just left in down and put on mascara. I put my stuff away and walked out of the bathroom.

"Finally!" Colby said with a smile, "I love your hair."

"I know right! I worked so hard on it!" I said sarcastically.

"No I actually like it." Colby said walking over by me.

"Huh sure." I said setting down my bags.

"I do! It's so long and it has a little wave!" He said grabbing a piece of my hair.

"Go get ready." I said looking up at him.

"Ughh okay, I guess." Colby said before leaning down and giving me a quick kiss.

I belt down by my bag and pulled out my belt and necklaces. Before I could finish putting in my belt Colby came over by me.

"You got ready that quick?" I said turning to face him.

"Yeah, I wanted to show you how it was done." Colby said with a small smile.

"Everything is a competition, huh." Said Sam from the corner of the rom on his bed.

"Yup!" Colby said raising his head up a little bit.

I started to put on my necklaces before Colby put his hands on mine taking my necklaces from me.

"Hang on." Colby said after putting my necklaces on me.

"What are you planing?" I said turning around to face him.

"Nothing..." he said rummaging through his bag. "I got you something before we picked you up."

"Aww thanks Colby you didn't have to." I said walking over by him.

"No you stay there." Colby said shooing me away with his hand.

"Okay," I said backing up.

"Close your eyes." Colby said while walking over by me. I closed my eyes, wondering what he got me.

"I need one of your wrists." Colby said pulling on one of my arms. I felt a necklace and a bracelet being put on but I kept my eyes closed, "okay open!" Colby said still behind me.

"Aww I love them!" I said looking at my wrist and at my necklace, the necklace was a cross that matched his exactly, and the bracelet had white marbles and one black marble.

"The bracelet is 'White howlite' it's a crystal that is supposed to soothe anxiety, and can help with spiritual protection. I learned that from Celina!" He said looking at my bracelet until the last part when he met my eyes with a proud look.

"Your gonna need that tonight!" Sam said walking over towards us.

"I love you." I whispered looking up at Colby's eyes.

"Love you too." Colby said kissing me in the nose.

"Alright I'll grab my backpack and....we can go start our tour." Sam said looking at his phone for the time before finishing.

"Okay." I said walking to my suit case and putting on my black and white Jordans.

As I was sitting in the floor to put in my shoes Colby looked over and smiled. I gave him a small smile back.

"I'm ready!" I said jumping up.

"Same here," said Sam.

"I think I'm ready also," said Colby

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