chapter 4: housecall

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It's the next day and you and Cillian are having a therapy session at your apartment. You were able to get rest yesterday after the one sleepless night over thoughts of Cillian confessing his love to you. You felt well-rested and more energetic.

You didn't know what to expect today. You've never seen Cillian outside of the therapist's office, and neither have you seen him any other days than Saturdays. Was he still going to be in a suit? You didn't know, but that didn't matter. What mattered is that Cillian's willing to take his free day to talk to you and make sure you're okay. That made your heart flutter.

You checked the time. It was 12:59 PM. Around one hour until Cillian arrives. You look around the living room to make sure it is cleaned. You tidied it up to make it look presentable. Fixed the pillows, folded the blanket from Friday night, and cleaned the table. The place looked nicer than before.

You have a bit until he's here, so you go get ready. Since you're home, you don't put on "outside" clothes. You throw on a hoodie, and leggings, and put your hair half up-half down. You check the time and it's 1:55 PM. 5 minutes before Cillian is here. You decide to turn on the TV. You grab the remote, but as soon as you turn on the TV, you hear the intercom buzz.

"Hm?" You say as you walk over the intercom to see who it is. You hold the button and call down there. "Hello?"

"Sydney? It's Dr. Murphy." You get flustered. Is he already here? "Oh! Hey! I'm buzzing you in. See you in a bit." You immediately run back to the couch to turn off the TV. You look around to make sure the apartment looks nice. You take a deep breath. You talk to yourself. "This is normal. Just a session with my therapist. Nothing different! You've got this!" As soon as you say that, you hear a knock on the door. That's when you become nervous. You feel your hands shake a bit. This is happening.

You walk up to the door, not even looking in the peephole to see who it is. You slowly open the door to see Cillian. He's not wearing a suit today. He's in a white dress shirt paired with black dress pants, tagged along with brown shoes and a black tie. He's holding a little suitcase that you've seen in the corner of his room before. And as always, he has his glasses on.

"Hey, Cillian!" You say as he gives you a warm smile. "Good afternoon, Sydney." You froze for a bit. You forgot you're letting him in this time. "Oh! Forgive me... Please, come in!" You put your arm out for him. He can tell you're nervous. "Thank you." He looks around and sees the clean apartment. "This is a very nice flat." You thought he wouldn't notice. "Thank you! I try..." He looks at you with comfort. "Well, you do an amazing job." You blush.

"Please, sit anywhere." You're trying to make sure he feels welcomed. He always makes you feel that way in his office. He chooses to sit on the couch, which is where you are going to sit. You would sit there, but you don't know how comfortable Cillian is with you sitting next to him. That's when he looks up at you and pats the seat two spots next to him. "Care to join?" He says with a smile. "Oh!... Yeah!" You sit down slowly as he sets down his suitcase. "You don't want water or anything?" You forgot to ask him after he came in the door. "I'm fine. Thank you." You nod, trying to not mess anything up.

"Now, shall we get started?" "Whenever you're ready!" You say. He nods and thinks for a bit. "So, let's start back at the beginning of yesterday. Tell me about it." You nod and start to explain how you woke up after 4 hours of sleep the night before. You told him how you stayed up the night before and watched a movie about two people falling in love and how one scene replayed in your mind, except it was you and him. You continued about calling Melanie, watching a documentary, and then passing out asleep.

He looks concerned. "Oh my. Has this happened more than one night?" You shake your head. "Never." He nods and thinks of what to say. "Do these thoughts affect your day?" "It's just that they are constantly there 24/7. They don't seem to leave." He nods and grabs his suitcase. "I see. Here's something I do whenever I can't clear my head of things." He goes into his suitcase and grabs a notebook. He rips out a piece of paper and hands it to you. "What's this for?" You ask confused. "I want for you to write down some thoughts that are bothering you. I'll tell you the next step afterward." He also pulls out the colorful pens he has. "You can also pick a color pen to use." He says as he smiles. You immediately go for light blue, which is your favorite color.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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