"I think it's safe to say we are both here to meet you for the same reason." Adrien jumped in confidently. "May we come in and speak with you?"

Fu nodded his head. "I think I have a feeling I know what this might be about. Please, do come in."

Fu led them through his front gate and up to his porch as Adrien and Marinette introduced themselves. While the outside of his house had been adorned with bunting and a wreath on the door, Marinette noticed immediately how copiously bare of any decoration the inside of the house was.

Adrien too noticed the photo frames of family and friends that took pride of place on the mantle place before he took a seat on the two seater couch. Fu indicated that Marinette should sit beside Adrien while Fu himself sat opposite them in his armchair. He sat forward in his chair and gave them a knowing grin.

"I suspect that you are the two parties interested in buying my building now in Paris. Mr Damocles contacted me already about your prospective offers."

"I understand that." Marinette said, trying to shuffle herself a little away from Adrien. "But I thought if I came to talk to you personally and tell you my aspirations for the building, it might help you in your decision."

Fu nodded his head while stroking his beard. "I see. Well Miss Marinette, please tell me about this vision of yours."

Adrien could see Marinette's eyes light up as she described her dream of becoming a fashion designer with her own label. Her enthusiasm was so far removed from how his father or Félix talked about fashion. To them it was only ever about business, prestige and making money, but to Marinette it was her passion. Out of her handbag, she took out a sketchbook, showing Fu some of her best selling designs, as well as her ideas for a festive fashion line for next Christmas.

"A festive fashion line eh?" Fu mused as he looked through the pages.

"Yes." Marinette said excitedly. "I mean who doesn't love Christmas and Christmas fashion can be so much more than just ugly sweaters with cringey puns."

"What's wrong with puns?" Adrien asked, sounding offended. Marinette ignored him noticing that Fu seemed to be less than enthusiastic for the season.

"I'm sorry." Marinette said, twiddling her thumbs. "I guess Christmas isn't for everyone."

"Oh no, please don't apologise my dear. It's not that I dislike Christmas, and the community festive committee did a lovely job with the outside decorations, it's just that I lost my beautiful wife, Marianne, only a few months ago and I guess I just haven't been feeling it for Christmas this year. She loved the season you see and it doesn't quite feel like Christmas without her."

"I'm so sorry." Marinette said, noticing Adrien had gone very quiet.

"It's quite alright. You have great skill Marinette." Fu smiled, handing her back her sketchbook. "Do you have a name for your brand?"

"Yes. It's Ladybug Designs."

"Ladybug Designs?" Adrien queried, earning himself a glare from the woman beside him.

"Do you have something against Ladybugs now?" She snapped at him.

"Hardly." He replied amused at her defensiveness. "It's just I've heard the name mentioned before from my brother Félix. They keep a close eye on all their competitors."

"Competitor? Me? I hardly think I would be competition for the great Gabriel Agreste."

"Don't underestimate yourself." Adrien assured her with a soft smile. "If my father has heard of you, then you are being noticed and those designs you have for that festive range I doubt would be anything he would think of."

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