𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

ابدأ من البداية

Tìyawn felt her heart become heavy, as she looked down at herself.

He made her feel safe.

Yet, it still felt unusual. Unreal.

The entire situation, that had now come to light to her, had felt unbearable. Unbelievable.

"Im sorry, Tìyawn" he whispers to her, not wanting to startle her any more than she already had been.

But Tìyawn just simply nodded, as she walked away, sliding down at she stared at her hands.

To know who her father was, it was scaring her.

It made her question her capability. Made her question herself. Her morals.

There was no doubt that, if he were her father, then somewhere inside her, she believed that she was just as evil, as he.

"Tìyawn?" Ao'nung kneels down beside her, trying to  get a look at her, as the only way he could read her, is by facial cues.

Yet her face hung low as her eyes set on her sweaty palms, as she continued to overthink her entire existence.

"Tìyawn?" He calls out again.

"What else is there?" She asks, as she looks up, "what else do I not know? I mean- am I as evil as him? What am i? I do not even know who I am anymore!"

She let out a hysteric sigh, as she looked at Ao'nung with desperate eyes, "please, tell me there is something good out of this?"

"You are nothing like him, Tìyawn" he shook his head no, as he took her hand, "you are much better. You are as you think you are. Kind. Caring. Gentle. You are all those things, and much better than your father."

"Ao'nung, I can not do this. I can not- I do not want to know this!" Tìyawn shouts.

"What do you mean?" Ao'nung looks at her confused.

"I am scared. For the first time, I am truly scared. Im terrified, of what is going to happen. I do not want it to happen" Tìyawn replies.

"What do you think will happen?" Ao'nung asks.

"I can't hide the truth from the others. From the Sully's. They are like my family. If they come to know, that I knew this entire time, the man who almost killed them, is my father-!... I am scared, Ao'nung" she felt her eyes become warm and teary.

"Tìyawn, you are strong. Far too strong, to be scared of such matters. They will not see you as any other, than Tìyawn, when you have chosen them over your father. You are the one, who is to kill him. To kill your mother" Ao'nung explains.

"I have to kill?" Tìyawn asks, "I am barely a hunter, and I have to kill? Ao'nung, I do not know what to do? What to believe! I just- I-!"

She stuttered before becoming unaware of what it was, she wished to say.

"I am here" Ao'nung assures her, "there is much time left, before we are to face anything. I am here and I will help you. I will guide you through it all."

With a sigh, she looked up at him hesitantly, "what else is there?.. that I do not know of?"

"Tìyawn, please-" Ao'nung looked at her pleadingly.

Tìyawn; Once Again حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن