It all begins with Fire and Blood.

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Upon King Jahaerys' decline in health and the death of his wife Alysanne and children, he could not decide between his family so enforced the council to choose who would succeed him. Viserys was chosen over Rhaenys. Aemma who was heavily pregnant congratulated her husband whilst Shaera stood further away with Daemon, he was leaving after the ceremony as per the kings wishes to honour his late wife's wishes of taming Daemon's wildness. She thought that Shaera and Daemon would cause chaos together so it was either him or her that needed to go. Daemon craved adventure, he never stayed in one place for too long so he was made to wed Rhea Royce in attempt to calm him down but it only spurred on his desire for Shaera.

"Not that Viserys is incapable but tis unfair that Rhaenys is robbed of her birth right just because she lacks a cock",

"Shaera, my flame, you are indeed right but that is the way things are I'm afraid".

"As is you leaving",

"I do not wish to go either, my bronze bitch is a dreadful woman".

"Now, now my prince do not be hasty. Lady Rhea may not be to your liking but you do not need to call her names".

Just as he went to answer, Viserys and Aemma walked up to them hand in hand.

"Congratulations good brother, you will make a fine king",

"Thank you Shaera".

Viserys was afraid of his future, the entire fate of House Targaryen and its power rests on his shoulders in the foreseeable future.

"And what of you little sister, how is my neice?",

"Nephew", Daemon chimed.

"I am well sister. You sound certain this babe is to be a girl",

"She will be unlike what this one thinks this child is a girl. She will be beautiful just like her mother".

"And aunt", Daemon added as he hugged his brother.

"I thought you said it would be a boy",

"He will be", Daemon concluded.

"I doubt that cousin", Rhaenys stated as she walked over to the four of them. The tense atmosphere loomed in the air as they looked between Rhaenys and Viserys.

"Congratulations Viserys. I too believe this child to be a girl. It appears being with child agrees with you Aemma",

"You are too kind Rhaenys".

Even though she didn't say anything, Shaera knew Aemma thought the same as she did. Viserys was not meant for the throne but Rhaenys was. She had been taught the ways of ruling by her father, she already had an heir granted Laenor was all but a small child.

"Shall we Shaera?", Daemon interrupted holding his arm out for her . She took it as they began to walk.

"Yes, we shall. Goodbye sister, good brother, Cousin".

The three watched as Daemon and Shaera left. They were two in the same, beautifully damaged and seeking repair in each other. Daemon mounted Caraxes as Shaera mounted Aethalrax. They flew high in the clouds, the weight of what was to come was no longer a burden as they sawed high. Daemon could not help his impure thoughts as he saw Shaera's bare thigh, she never cared to wear dragonriding gear unless she planned to fly which most of the time she didn't. Shaera completed Daemon and yet he could not have her. They decended to the ground, sharing a forlorn look.

"Goodbye for now my prince",

"For now?".

"We will see each other again so it is simply goodbye for now",

"Goodbye for now, my flame".

Shaera gently kissed his cheek. The two were the same in many aspects, many did not understand why the good queen made Daemon wed Rhea if he was so obviously infatuated with Shaera but then again, many did not understand why the Targaryens did half of what they do.

Later that evening, Shaera was with Aemma braiding her hair as they sat in her chambers.

"Queen Aemma of the Seven kingdoms, I quite like the sound of that",

"Do not remind me Shaera".

"Many would kill to be the queen though I'm not sure why",

"I know, the idea of being a queen does not seem what I thought it would be".

"So do not think of it. Think of your husband and soon your daughter",

"I do have something on my mind I wish to ask you",

"What is it?".

"Daemon. The two of you have grown quite close..", Aemma trailed off with raised eyebrows.

"I know what you are doing Aemma and it will not work. Daemon is incredibly handsome and every woman's dream but he will never truly want me as much as he thinks he does. Someday he will realise there is more than a woman like me to be the object of his ire",

"Do not think such things dear sister. Daemon is many things but he is no fool, he knows what it is he wants and will succeed in obtaining it. He has always been selfish and he wants you".

"I want him too but I fear my envious nature will take over if I see the women at court stare at him like vultures though I cannot blame them for Daemon being Daemon",

"I love you Shaera and I want you to find someone as I have".

"I love you Aemma. I do not mind if I end up alone and bitter in this world as long as you are happy".

"How can I be happy knowing you are not? If being with Daemon will make you happy then why not pursue him",

"He is already wed Aemma".

"To a woman he does not like",

"Rhea has always been headstrong, I will not take away her husband for my own selfish desires".

"You are very much wrong but I respect your decision",

"I am not wrong but rather I am simply mature".

"Do you think he will truly go to the Vale?",


"I am going to bed, your niece or nephew has tired me out",

"Niece. Do you need help returning to your chambers?".

"No I think I am alright alone dearest sister, goodnight",

"Goodnight Aemma".

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