The beginning

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It was a normal day. It was sunny with just the right amount of sunshine. Though it wasn't warm, it was a perfect day, or so I thought. I started to hear a commotion coming from inside a store I frequent. They are a book store that sells all kinds of old books. I love to read fantasy novels. I wanted to see what was happening so I went inside the store.
I hid behind one of the bookshelves, and peeked around the shelf at the cashier. There was a person in a full black cloak talking to the cashier. He was asking about a person around nineteen. Who was about five foot ten, with shadow black hair, and blue eyes. He then said something that sent shivers down my spine. He said, "This boy has a dragon tattoo down his rib cage."
Now I don't usually go outside shirtless, but the fact is this person had known about my tattoo. I couldn't explain it, but one day I started getting a very painful burn on my ribcage. It felt like someone was pouring boiling water on me. I fell to the floor in pain, and when I looked at where the pain was coming from a dragon slowly appeared on me. This was very strange, and I didn't know what to do. I went to the hospital, and they thought I was crazy.
"Are you saying the one has been chosen?," the lady at the cash register asked surprised. Her name was Anna, and she was short, with curly white hair. Even though she was in her sixties she always impressed me because she could move like someone in their early twenties without even breaking a sweat. I would sometimes joke with her that maybe she was immortal, and we would laugh.
As I heard this I felt a pit sink in my stomach. I had no idea what they meant, but it was clear they didn't want me for anything good. I slowly started to back away. When I came in I didn't realize there was a wet floor sign that I passed. So when I backed up I slipped on the wet floor. As I fell backwards I tried to grab the bookshelf causing multiple books to hit the floor. The books hit the floor with a loud bang.
As the books hit the floor I heard old Anna exclaim "Who is there?" I don't know why, but I didn't wanna show myself to her so I ran out of the old book store. I heard the strange figure in the cloak say "it's you! Hold on come back!" I did not want to go back. I was scared, and didn't know what kind of cult they were in. I heard his footsteps behind me as I ran down the dark road. The only form of light coming from the stores that still had their lights on.
Wait a minute. Did I just say the dark road? Wasn't it just daylight? What is happening? Am I losing my mind? I ran even faster. The adrenaline is now the only energy I am running on. Then I noticed a strange shadow against one of the stores.
"Oh good there is someone who can help me," I exclaimed. Out of breath hardly able to move. My legs felt as if they were about to give up. I started to walk up to this person, but it seemed like the farther I walked the farther this figure would move out of sight.
I started to shout at the person, but before I could exclaim a word I felt a sharp pain on my stomach, and I blacked out.
When I woke up I was laying on a field of grass. I tried to move, but when I struggled I couldn't move. There was something poking me in the back, and the more I moved it hurt. I know this sensation. It's the rough wood on a tree. I must be tied to a tree. I looked down expecting to see some rope binding me, but there was nothing.
"It's called Theka Johnny. The more you struggle the more it will bind you." A voice talked from behind me. Though I couldn't see who it was I could place exactly where I heard it. It was the bone chilling voice of the man in the book store.
"Really?! This shrimp here is the one the mark chose? You have to be kidding me Dithar!" A lady exclaimed amused, and laughing. This was definitely the voice of Anna. The old lady who worked at the bookstore.
What do these people want with me, and what do they know about the dragon mark on me. I wanted to ask, but the only thing I was concerned with was finding a way to get away. "Come on let me go please!" I pleaded convinced they were there to kill me.
"Do I hear a descendent of the Bandu begging for their life?" The old lady began to laugh meniachaly.
"What is Bandu? I asked to try to buy as much time as possible.
I have never heard this word in my life. Was it some kind of city, or place. I began to think of this word. I was wondering if I had ever heard it before. Then I remembered something. My grandpa used to tell me a story as a kid. How did it go? I thought to myself.
The memory of my grandfather began to come back as I remembered his voice. I would lye in my bed. I would look around, but as hard as I tried I couldn't remember his face. I could only remember one line from the story. He would say. "Nga to banzu." Without even thinking I said these words out loud. I felt a strange aura as I said these words.
There was a strange gust of wind as I heard the old lady yell "Quick kill him! He is getting away!" I closed my eyes preparing for the worst, and when I opened them I was somewhere I didn't recognize. I definitely wasn't where I was before. This place was filled with huge mountains, and forests. I was also no longer tied up by that invisible rope. The smell of dew, and the heat from the sun gave this place so much beauty.
As I looked I saw no signs of civilization. The only thing I could see that showed that there was some sort of civilization was a dirt path that led straight in the dense forest ahead. I decided I would rather not be out in the open field I was in when night fell. The best bet would be to walk this path in hopes of finding civilization. So I began my journey down this path.

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