Winnie's Great Idea

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 Winnie scanned her mind for new ideas. She did this all the time, as a matter of fact, but she wanted this idea to be extra special. The truth was, she was really in love with the town deputy, Hugo, and now that she was of age she really wanted to make their friendship become something so much more.

Everyone in town could see what was blossoming between the two of them. Just by the look on Winnie's face whenever he'd emerge from the police office to tend to a 'crime.' She'd commonly join him on his walks to these 'crime scenes,' the two of them talking about everything under the sun. When they'd arrive, Hugo would figure it wasn't a crime at all, just the deer knocking over someone's garden decorations again.

What Winnie loved so much about Hugo, though, was that he would nevertheless try and restore what had been broken in every case. He'd set garden gnomes back up, fix tables and chairs, and even helped repaint an old lady's shed after he had fixed everything in the garden. He was someone who truly cared for Treegap and its people.

Yes, this small town was truly in good hands for the foreseeable future.

The redhead tried her best to fill her life with as much excitement as possible, and most of that was spent with Hugo. Climbing trees while he begged her to come down before she fell and broke her hand – which did happen once, by the way. Or the play fights they'd get into over the smallest of things, like how far Winnie could skip a rock (not very far), or how long Hugo could hold his breath (not very long).

Given she had spent practically all of her teenage years with Hugo, she didn't want this idea to be like any of the other ones. No, this one had to be special. Really special.

A tranquil afternoon on the pond behind her house? The one the Tucks had built their house next to. That would be special. Or a night out to watch the fireworks on Treegap Day, June 16th, the anniversary of the town's founding?

What about both?

After all, Treegap day was the next day, and it was supposed to be sunny in the afternoon. Everyone had off work that day as well, so Hugo would have no reason to skip out on it. She penned down her idea in her notebook, giddy with lovely laughter as she thought of it. It would be the most wonderful time, for both her and her nervous Hugo.

At times he was dopey, at times he was brilliant, but in the grand scheme of things he stayed the same. Never changing, never compromising; he was who he was, and she loved that about him.

That next morning she woke up more excited than ever for what the day would bring. She wore a beautiful pink and white day dress and said her morning prayer before making her way downstairs. Their day out would be a picnic in the Tuck's boat, which had to come with sandwiches and lemonade.

Winnie wasted no time making them, using the rest of the bread in the pantry and spreading peanut butter and jelly on each slice of bread, before closing them to make sandwiches. She made them just how Hugo liked them – the crust cut off and cut into triangles. She had to have made at least seven sandwiches.

When her mother walked into the room she looked a little angry. "Winnie! You used up all the bread!" She looked over at the now empty jars that sat on the counter. "And all of the peanut butter and jelly!"

Winnie was frozen for a second, but as usual always had something to say back. "We can always get more in town, mother. Besides, it's for something special."

"What could be so special that you had to waste all of our bread, butter, and jelly?" Her mother asked, her hand caressing her head to calm herself down.

"Well, for one it's not a waste, and two it's who could be so special. It's Hugo, mother." The redhead said matter-of-factly. Once she had said this, Mrs. Foster's face calmed a little. She had always loved Hugo and thought he was the sweetest thing on Earth.

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