Chapter 1: Oh well.

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It's my birthday. For some reason it dosent feel like it. There's no ballon's greeting me when I wake up. Nobody telling me happy birthday when I walk out my bedroom. I'm just all alone.
     There's a knock at my door.
"Happy birthday gorgeous" says Charlotte greeting me at the door. Her huge white smile brought a smile to my face. She looks so cute in her lilac sweater and black ripped jeans. She added little white bows on the end of her braids.
"Is it fine that i'm here? Ik everyone isn't getting here till later but I just thought i'd show up early and help you get ready!"
"You know you don't have to ask to come over home is your home."
    Charlotte has been my friend since 5th grade. She was my first friend I had when I moved here. Before i was living with my grandma..she eventually died due to a heart attack. She helped me through middle school when my parents divorced, and I helped her when she was being bullied. Tonight we are throwing a party at my house for my birthday and there are so many people coming.
    I go to my bedroom and throw a hoodie and leggings on for now. Charlotte and I head to the store to get bottles of alcohol. We grab Pink Whitney, Jack Daniel's, and Smirnoff. We didn't want to grab much since the other girls are bringing more aswell.
"Do you think jack will come?" ask Charlotte.
"I don't know. I think amber invited him but who knows if he shows up." My voice starts to shake and my eyes start to tear at the thought of Jack.
"You know I think he still loves you. and I know you love him. If he does show you can try to shoot your shot again. Never hurts to try!" You could tell Charlotte was prepping herself to be yelled at. I never yell at her. Yelling dosent help with anything.
"If he dosent come then what? I just have to get over the fact that me and him are done.. there's nothing I can do it fix what happened no matter how hard I try." Tears start to come down my face and I start uncontrollably sobbing. Charlotte comforts me and we go and grab ice cream.
      Lillie and Amber are already at my apartment when we pull up. They are already dressed and have their make up on. It's already 8pm! people will start showing up in an hour!!!

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