Mean Yandere Maid (Lily)

Start from the beginning

"Don't move. I mean it..." Y/n was going to ignore her but soon felt the sharp end of a blade poking the side of his body.

"Be a good boy and sit still. I made you dinner so you better eat it." Y/n nods and sits back slowly picking up a fork to start eating all the while Lily sat on a chair right next to his bed, watching him eat the food she had made for him.

*The next day*

"Hey, Master! Time to get up!" Lily swipes the curtains open in Y/n's room, causing Y/n to jolt up from the sound of the curtains being slid across and the sunlight pouring into his room and onto his face.

"Get dressed, I have some breakfast waiting for you downstairs." She stops on her way out of Y/n's room and turns to look at him, her eyes turning dark. "Don't keep me waiting..." her voice sounded ominous and low. Y/n nods and Lily smiles brightly again and closes Y/n's door on her way out.

Y/n then got out of his bed and did what Lily wanted and got dressed. As Y/n slowly walks down the stairs, he could hear Lily humming away sweetly as well as the clanks of plates and pots coming from the kitchen. Turning the corner, Y/n sees Lily in an apron putting away some dishes she had just just cleaned.

"Eat up sweetie." Lily turns, looking at Y/n with a smile. "Oh, I forgot to inform you, we have a guess this morning."

"A guess?" Y/n then looks at the dining table and his eyes grow wide as he stumbles back. There, sitting at the table was a random girl tied to a chair with a white cloth wrapped around her face, gagging her. She looked at Y/n with pleading teary eyes as her face was bruised, scratched and cut up.

"Want to tell who this is?" Lily asked, leaning against the counter, crossing her arms. Y/n looks at Lily.

"What the hell is going on here!" Y/n exclaimed.

"I saw this bitch on your phone yesterday, now tell me. How do you know this slut!" Lily moves away from the counter and slowly approaches the girl with a knife in hand.

"I was scrolling through social media! I don't know this woman! Are you crazy!" Y/n yelled as he stood by the kitchen doorway. Lily stops in her tracks and slowly turns back to Y/n.

"So... You don't know this girl?"

"No!" Lily then placed the knife onto the table as her same bright smile returned on her face. She clasps her hands together and straightens her posture.

"My mistake," she giggles. Lily then runs to Y/n, jumping in his arms hugging him tightly while nuzzling her face into his neck.

"Oh, Y/n! I knew you'd never cheat on me!" She then surprises Y/n by grabbing his shirt and dragging him into the living room. She pushes Y/n onto the couch and slowly climbs onto his lap, straddling him.

"Let me make it up to you." Lily leans her face closer to Y/n's, kissing him passionately. Y/n, in total fear and shock, doesn't fight back and lets Lily kiss him. Sliding her hands around his head, caressing his hair, Lily starts to kiss Y/n more roughly than before, sliding her tongue into his mouth as the woman from the kitchen continued to whimper and sob.

"Shut up bitch!" Lily yells out before going right back to kissing Y/n deeply. "I love you... Y/n. *Kisses* I own you." She slowly starts to grind her hips against his. "Let's get married. Have kids and buy a home far away from here." Y/n finally regains his composure and pushes Lily off of him.

He stands up and runs to the kitchen, Lily fumbling to get up while groaning in frustration. Y/n runs to the woman tied to the chair and cuts the cloth wrapped around her face with the knife Lily left on the table.

"Help me!" The woman pleaded as the gag was out of her mouth now. Y/n, with the knife still in his hands, cuts the rope restraining her and helps the woman out of the chair and the two run to the door. The girl ran first in front of Y/n and grabbed the door knob. Suddenly, a wooden board with nails hammered into it hanging on the side of the wall by the door, swung down, hitting the girl in the side of the face. The nails digging into her head. Y/n stops instantly and watches as the girl falls to the ground from the hand-crafted trap made by Lily. Y/n, just before he is about to run over the woman and out the door, gets yanked back by a rope wrapped around his neck from Lily.

"You fucking brat! You are not escaping me, Master!" She yanks the rope harder, causing Y/n to choke while grabbing his neck, trying to take the rope off. "Ungrateful...!" Lily then begins to drag Y/n back and up the stairs into her room. Lily slams the door shut and grabs Y/n, throwing him onto her bed, jumping on top of him right after and pinning him down.

"Today, I claim you." She leans down and licks his cheek, grinning at him. Y/n tries struggling but Lily is frighteningly strong, keeping him down as she remains straddling him.

"*Pants* So are you just going to keep me here... Rape me in my own home right after you killed someone?" Y/n asks with tears forming in his eyes.

"If that's what it takes." Lily replies, looking deeply into Y/n's eyes. Lily continues to stare into Y/n's eyes for a bit before she leaned back down kissing him deeply and passionately while slowly undressing herself and Y/n.

*Several Years Later*

"Honey! I'm home!" Lily exclaimed as she walked into her new home she bought with Y/n years ago. As Lily is taking off her shoes she looks up and sees Y/n slowly walk around the corner with a baby girl in his hands. Shortly after, the sounds of running feet grow louder.

"Mommy's home!" Two other girls shout as they run into Lily's arms.

"How are my two beautiful girls doing?"

"We're great! We've missed you!" Lily smiles, letting out a small giggle as she picks up the two, walking into the kitchen with Y/n slowly following behind. Lily places her two daughters onto chairs as she cooks up a small meal for them. As they eat, Lily walks over to Y/n who stands near and takes the baby he was carrying into her arms.

"How were the kids, sweetie?" Lily asked as she cradled her baby.

"They were fine..."

"Good." She then carries the baby and gestures at Y/n to follow her towards their bedroom. They entered and Lily gently placed the baby into her crib that sat by the wall of their bedroom. Once the baby was comfortable and fast asleep, Lily turned to face Y/n. A small grin forms on Lily's face as she walks over and pushes Y/n onto their bed, climbing onto him.

"Good boy. You're not resisting much today." She takes off her jacket and blouse. "Things really worked out for us in the end, haven't they?"

"Worked out for you, you mean." Y/n says back. Lily chuckles softly before she slowly starts to undress Y/n, caressing her hands against his chest.

"You can believe whatever you want to believe. All that matters is that you're mine." She leans down and licks his neck, biting his earlobe before whispering into his ear. " rape slut of a husband..."


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