The Sleepover That Is Filled With Secrets

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I stepped outside for a while and talked to my friends.

I took a deep breath and explaines the situation to them.

"What!?" Alex yelled as I covered her mouth. "Not to loud!" I said as I lowered my voice. "I am not ready for this." Xylia said, nervously.

"Yeah. I'm with them on this one, Zee." Max said. "You'll be fine! Plus, Max, you get to meet Eric Carr himself! And, Alex you did said you wanted my dad's autograph. And, Xylia, maybe you can take this as a chance to practice your solo guitar with them and we can get that new song finished in time for the competition including our solo albums." I said as I smiled towards them.

"Fine." Both Max and Alex said in sync. "I shall take this opportunity but, we have to finished our Calculus homework first." Xylia said.

As me, Max and Alex gave her the 'you've got to be kidding me' look.

Then, I went back inside with them this time and noticed that my dad was in the kitchen with his bandmates.

"Um,....Dad?" I asked. "Yes, sweetheart?" He replied. I took a deep breath and calm myself. "I want you to meet my friends." I said.

"This is Alexandria Ruth Anderson." I said as Alex stayed cool. "Hey. You can call me Alex, sir." Alex said as she and my dad shaked hands.

"This is Xylia Ophelia McKenna." I said as she came forward and adjusted her glasses. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." She said.


But, once I got to Max, I could feel the air surrounding the kitchen became thick. Both me and Max gulped. "This is Maxence Emerson Fox, my best friend since I was 5." I said.

"Since 5, huh?" Dad asked. "Dad! Well, he is my best friend because we go to the same school ever since kindergarten." I said.

"Well, nice meeting all of ya!" Gene said, laughing. "Yeah, it's cool to see that Zoe has friends she can trust." Ace said. "I'm with them on this one too." Eric said as he winked towards both Alex and Xylia. I just let out a sigh.

But then, Dad came towards Max with an intimidating aura. "If you lay a single strand of hair on my daughter, I will turn your life into a living nightmare, boy." He said. "Yes, sir!" Max blurted out which made me giggled a bit.

As Dad, Ace and Eric were grilling the steaks. Gene was with us as we were doing our Calculus homeworks in the living room. I told Dad that we could do it in my room but, he doesn't trust having Max inside my room.

"Hey, what did you answer for number 20?" Alex asked. "Number 20? I'm still on question 17. How are you so fast?" I asked as I grabbed her workbook. "Hey! Give that back!" She said.

"Seriously, Alex? You answered number 5 until number 7 are wrong." I said. "So, what?" She said. "I could've give you some pointers." I said as we both started discussing on her Calculus homework first.

Gene leaned in forward from the couch and glanced at us doing our homework. "Do you have to do your homework first?" Gene asked. "Actually, yes. Yes, we do have to do our homework first." Xylia said. "You kids should be having fun! Plus, isn't it supposed to be summer break? You can always complete your homework tomorrow on the second day of summer break." Gene said as he smiles at us and grabbed the TV remote.

"He's right. Please, Xylia and Zoey? This way we can focus on band practice and deal with this tomorrow. Please?" Both Max and Alex begged me and Xylia.

"What do you think, Xylia?" I asked as Xylia adjusted her glasses and let's out a sigh. "Fine. Just for this one time!" She said as we all packed our homeworks inside our bags and sat on the couch playing 'UNO' with Gene.

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