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this chapter is a filler and also kinda funny so song of the chapter will be buddy holly by weezer (this song unironically goes hard idc)

gemma/3rd pov

gemma and charley were going through movies in the library, he was trying to get her to pick, but she'd only pick if she can find one of the most trouble-some movies of the 21st century.

"do we have tv shows here?," the fake blonde asked.

"sometimes. its mostly educational tv shows. we got lucky with the movies," chalrey said.

she nodded keeping a mental note to find a tv show she liked later.

she flicked through more movies finding the white case that had the first 'despicable me' on it. "oh my god," she gasped.

charley looked up at her, as she held the case tightly bewteen her hands. "i think you all will love this," she said giggling.

charley took the case out of her hand and looked at it. 'despicable me' he repeated. "whats it about?," he asked.

"its a 21st century masterpiece," i say.

"i feel like rhonda would hate these yellow things on the front," he said, pointing at a minion.

"i think she'll love it," i say smirking.

"i feel like you're picking this out of our reactions," charley stated.

"what-what no,"genma says. swiping the movie case out of his hands.

chalrey was absolutely right. she wanted a good giggle and the group of people who died before she was even born, were in for a treat. she just wouldn't admit it till after the movie, or maybe all the 3 'despicable me' movies and the 2 minons movies.
"so he wants to to steal the moon?," rhonda said looking at me. we we're about 15 minutes in the movie.

"yes," gemma says. she was sitting on the couch with charley.

"what are these yellow things?," wally asked, pointing to the tv, were a shot of the 3 main minions was being shown.

"there his minions and thats what they are called. they are creatures that work for the most evil person at the time," i explained.

wally nodded and turned his gaze back to the screen,"rhonda might hate it, but wallys a fan," charley whispered to me.

i laughed. "what do you think of it?," i ask.

"honestly im quite confused," he said.

"we'll were only like 30 minutes in," i say.

he nods. "i hope it gets less confusing," he laughed.

"it wont," i giggled and we both look back at the screen.
"god i never want to see that movie ever again," rhonda said, walking out of the room, as the end credits started to play.

"its a cult classic," i joke, back to her.

"no it was made by a cult," she said, walking out.

i laughed at rhondas joke and looked to see what charley thought.

"honestly way better then i thought. besides Rhondas opinion you might have won movie night," charley said.

"slay," she said, turning to see what wally thought. he sat on the other couch, in the room. he was layed out on the couch, wiping tears off his face.

"why was it emotional . you didnt say this would make me cry ," he said looking at gemma.

gemma laughed. "im sorry, but it was still a great movie," i say.

"it was. it was," he said, agreeing with her.

"good job on your first movie pick. i personally dont understand it, but i am sure that its perfect 21st century movie," mr. martin said, standing up.

"thank you mr. martin," i said, smiling. it was a good pick.

"and dont mind rhonda, shes particular with her movies," mr. martin explained.

"its okay," i say smiling. "she'll come around,".

"we'll i think its a good time to call it a night. charley, gemma, wally, ill see you guys tomorrow," he waved to us, before leaving the gym.

"yeah i think im gonna call it a night too," charley said.

"okay charley have a good night," i say giving him a side hug. he returns the hug and waves to wally, before walking out. leaving just me and wally in the gym.

"sorry my movie made you cry," i say, looking over at wally.

he laughed. "its okay, movies man they just speak to you,"

"thats very true. i probably cried the first time i watched it," i say.

"so about those yellow things," he said.

"minons," i jokingly corrected.

"is there like more on them?," he asked.

"oh yeah the minions are such a 2010s pop culture phenomenon," i say laughing. "there is more movies about them," i say.

"i need to see them," he said, excitedly.

"i saw the second movie in the library. i will have to look for the other 3 movies," i say.

"i really need to see them," he said, adding a mental note to look in the library.

"i will remember that next time im asked to pick a movie," i smiled.

"same," he laughed.

we both started walking out of the gymnasium and into the main hallways of the school, still talking. it was a good night.

high school will never end|wally clarkWhere stories live. Discover now