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song of the chapter is the middle by jimmy eat world

gemma pov

"gemma can you give me back my pen," my brother leni said walking into my room.

"yeah here you go," i say handing him a black pen off my desk.

"this isnt what i ment and you know it," my brothers said, getting an attitude.

"montie has it," i say. directing my attention back to my tv on my wall.

"god damn it," he said, walking out and slamming my door.

i sigh and pick up my phone calling montie.

"hello," he said, picking up right away.

"fucking bitch, leni's on his way to get his pen," i say.

"you mean cart?," montie said, pitching his voice.

"yeah im using lenis words not mine," i say.

"yeah,okay whatever i have it," he said, taking it out of his pocket and hitting it.

on queue, leni walked into monties room. "give me back my pen!," he yelled,

"whoa! chill bitch," he said, passing the cart to leni.

"yall some bitches for real," leni said.

"yeah whatever," i say, i just got paid im gonna buy me and montie 2 carts," i laugh.

"i need a job," he said.

"she dont even have one," montie said.

"hey! dog sitting is a job," i state.

"yeah living in someone elses house for a week, watching dogs," montie said.

"whatever its making me $700 a month," i say.

"i can make better," he said.

"no one would hire your ass you take too much acid," i say.

"whatever can you guys leave me alone i got shit i gotta do," montie replied.

"yeah beating his meat," leni said.

"eww!," i scream before hanging up.

i sigh, getting dressed to go pick up the carts from an underground vape shop. i put on my black high top vans and my gray sweatshirt grabbing my car keys and wallet.

i make my way down stairs and go to the basement steps to let montie know im leaving, if we he wants to go with.

"no fucking thank you," he yelled back.

"someones in a mood," i say to myself, as i walk out of the house and to my car.
"can you guys hurry up. i told you guys 2 days ago, seniors have to be at the school early," i yell in the living room, hoping both boys can hear me.

"why dont you just get going to school. ill take the boys later," my dad said, passing through the living room from outside.

"noo! i wanna go with her!," montie whined, from the kitchen.

"well hurry up, im leaving in 2 minutes," i say.

montie ran back down into the basement and i sighed looking at my phone. "leni hurry up," i say, as i hear montie running back up the basement stairs.

"just leave him, dad will take him later," montie said, walking past me and out the door.

i sighed mentally agreeing with him and walking outside to my car as montie waited by the passenger door.
we sat in the back of the parking lot of the school taking hits off our pens. "you're so lucky you get to graduate," montie said, exhaling a hit.

high school will never end|wally clarkWhere stories live. Discover now