


" What...? " You broke out of your loading process and stared at Uenoyama with a bewildered face - Mafuyu just seemed to stand there hopefully waiting for your reply.

" [Name]-senpai, please join our band! "


What. The. Hell.


Whatever you were put in right now, you felt like this was just some sort of dream. An unwanted dream. The two of them looked at you with great expectancy. Perhaps they were hoping for an enthusiastic, " Sure, I'll join your band. " But honestly, you didn't know what to answer. It wasn't like you wanted to, but there was also a part of you that whispered you should.

But for what reason, should you?

Would you feel the same feeling the first time that you joined the band? The flutter in your chest by the shrill euphoria of playing music, the thought of how everything just seemed to be so perfect whenever you're with your bandmates - would you find yourself in the same thrill if ever you would join? You had always been the one to initiate in your band, the leader as what the others would consider you - so naturally, you were the one to step out and search for members that could join and persuade one to join. Actually, there was one member that would've never been in the band if it wasn't your persistence and at some point he gave in. He had his reasons that you didn't know of, of course, (you're never one to dive into someone's privacy) and now you were starting to think that you were being in the same position as him.

You had your reasons.

You were still affected by the events that caused your whole devotion towards music to fall. You had other things to look for. And college. Your whole being, overall, wasn't in the best state. You once feared that the only thing that caused you happiness would be the same thing to cause your life to fall. Afterall, that's happened before.

What about now?

You stared at the boy with the raven hair who just had so much potential inside him and the other one with those salmon pink eyes that had a gaze filled with pure devotion.

You could almost see your younger self behind those eyes of Mafuyu's.

Uenoyoma couldn't get rid of the mixture of excitement and anxiousness that crippled his veins as he stared at his uptight senpai.

It was all a shock to him, honestly.

For Kaji-san to show up in his school, waiting for him at the school's gate wasn't a daily occurrence. It's never happened before _ only then the blonde man had met up with him at school by the end of the day. It was more of a shocker with the purpose of why he came.

" Ask [Name] to join the band. "

Uenoyoma would have thought that his bandmate was joking if it wasn't the fact that the man was dead-look serious. The man's hand hovered over his shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze, whatever did it mean - a silent hope of him to do what he's asking for, perhaps - but it didn't sit right with him. So he opened his lips to ask why and the way that the pressure on his shoulder spiked a little brought uneasiness to slightly shiver up his body.

It took a little minute for the blonde man in front of him to be brought out from his seemingly trance. Uenoyoma took note of the way that his eyes were so far off ahead and he's never seen him so distant and...pondering so much? In just that matter of time where the man didn't speak, Uenoyoma could sense that his mind was elsewhere and he wondered just what thoughts made the usually composed and easy-going man turn into someone so...out of it?

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