Chapter 1

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I'm curled up on my couch watching a Halloween movie. My heavy blanket and hot chocolate are the only things I need to know that my favorite season is here. I love it when the leaves start to fall, and the air gets colder. I love long sleeves and decorating for the holidays. Though, I always wear long sleeves to hide my soulmate marks. They cover my upper arms and all my back. I love them dearly, the marks and my fated.

I go to take another drink of my hot chocolate when the TV changes my movie to an emergency broadcasting. I still as I see Iron Man flying with a rocket on his back. It was giving me flashbacks to the attack back in 2012. However, this time, there was no alien hole to send it through.

I set the hot chocolate down on my end table as I lean forward in my seat. It looks like there's been some sort of invasion. It's not aliens, it's something else entirely. It looks almost like soldiers.

As I keep watching I see Captain America flying through the sky with Mjolnir. Sam Wilson is flying next to him. It looked like a boulder was flying into the air. It missed Sam for the most part, but it clipped his wing. The change caused him to start spiraling out until hitting Captain America. With the hit the Captain goes flying in the air, it looks like he was heading for an apartment building. Right before he made an impact my window shattered, and I saw something fly in before hitting the wall and stopping. I jumped up, unsure what this was. Without thinking I picked up my lamp ready to use it as a weapon. I held it up as if it was a baseball bat. It wasn't until there was movement that I noticed it was Captain America. I lowered the lamp just slightly.

I'm stuck in place unsure if I should help him or if I should hide in my room. I never actually expected to meet my soulmates, especially not in a time of crisis that the city is obsessively going through.

He stepped through the rubble and looked around ashamed that he had caused this. His eyes met mine as he started dusting himself off. He stopped. One of the marks on my back burned so bad. He had to accept me, or else our marks would keep burning.

"Mate." He said just above a whisper. His stare was broken when something came through his earpiece. I could faintly hear someone saying that someone else was down. He gave me a half-hearted smile before running towards the window and aiming Mjolnir before flying off.

I collapsed back onto the couch breathing hard, the lamp slipping out of my hand and hitting the floor but not shattering. He didn't accept the bond. This was the biggest problem with soul marks. The man was the one who had to accept the bond before the female could. Even in cases that there are two people of the same gender the person who has more alpha like tendencies is the one who must accept the bond first. I was going to have this burning until he either accepted or rejected it and the burning will just get stronger until he does one or the other. It's the universe's ways of forcing fated back to each other. He wouldn't have the pain as bad right now, but as time goes on his will become more intense, where as my pain will burn now and continue until I'm possibly unconscious.

I winced at the sensation as I laid against the couch. I couldn't do much but lay here. The pain was located on my spine making it impossible to move. I did somehow manage to pull a blanket over me. Though the burning was happening my house was now cold from the wide-open hole out the side of the building.

I watched as the team got everything under control within an hour. I watched as the team dealt with the last of the threat. The pain was getting worse, and I couldn't help the tears that were streaming down my face. I wanted to move, to get up and leave but I couldn't. I couldn't feel my legs over the pain. It would have been easier if he had just rejected me.

Through my tears I can see the avengers gathered. I see Steve rub his chest without thinking, then he does it again and his eyes widen at realization. They are talking but we don't get audio, I just hear the news reporters talking about, yet another successful mission completed.

I slowly felt the burning dull. He accepted the bond. I was finally able to take a deep breath. I don't know if I can do this 10 more times...


I need to know where I was thrown into. I had to find our mate again. I fucked up so bad not accepting the bond sooner, what if she was unconscious? What if she was injured from the damage done to the building. What if she was still in the building?

"Stark!" I call out moving towards him. We did our best to ignore the news reporters as we took stock.

"What's up capsicle?"

"I need to know what building I was flown into, room and floor."

"Why?" He stopped moving and looked up at me for the first time in the conversation.

"Our mate was there." His eyes lit up to that.

"Got it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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