The two exchanged looks at one another, Ariana quickly looked away as she felt her cheeks getting warm. He on the other hand took his time to take in her appearance like he always did. He liked how every week she had a new hairstyle, whether she kept it natural or a bust down middle part or curls, she looks beautiful anyway.  He also loved how she did her own hair, watching her do her own hair was a plus.

"Where were you? Niggas been calling you." Dougie said.

"I had to handle some shit." He said taking his eyes off of her. "Where's Kimora?"

"Sleeping." Giselle responded.

He nodded and sat down in the chair in the back, and began rolling up his blunt. The silence in the room was cut as the three of them was back to their small talk.

Ariana wondered what was bothering him as he didn't even say anything to her. He sat only a few inches away from her but was silent as he rolled up his blunt.

"What you doing next week?" Giselle asked her best friend, looking up from her phone.

"What's next week?" Ariana asked confused.

"Your birthday nigga. How you forget?" Kay budded in as he rolled his blunt. Ariana looked at him, letting their eyes meet. His tongue went over the blunt, licking his lips shortly after.

"I don't be celebrating my birthday anymore. You know this." Ariana said as she looked away.

"And I always make you do something every year. You know this too." Giselle responded.

"Well this year I'm standing on business. I'm not doing anything. Let me go check on the food." She got up and walked off.

"Damn I would've gotten a restraining order if I was her. You been eyeing her since you got in here." Dougie called out. He sucked his teeth and sat up in the chair.

"What she be doing all day? She getting better?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, better. She just been cooking all day, but I think she's good." Dougie said. "We was waiting for you, we about to go."

"You don't wanna wait until she don't cooking?" Kay asked.

"Nah my mom made reservations to some place at 8, it's 6 and she take forever to get ready. We going to be late regardless." Dougie said making Giselle suck her teeth.

"Alright say that." He got up. "I'll walk y'all out."

Before they parted ways, he dapped Dougie up and gave Giselle a side hug. He didn't waste any time searching for Ariana in the large apartment.

"Hi ma. I missed you." He mumbled in a raspy voice , kissing her neck from behind.

"Hi. You're cold Kevin." She blushed, titling her neck. "Did they leave? I heard the door shut."

"Yeah they said they had some shit to go to. It's just us two now." He rubbed her stomach, a habit he picked up. She turned to him, letting their lips connect. It was short but very sweet kiss they shared before she pulled away.

"You smell good." She said as her hand rested on his chest.

"This food smell good, what you making?" He questioned.

"Fried goat and plantains. Kimora's favorite."

"Mhm." He hummed, as he rubbed her soft bronze buttered up skin.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"You real pretty mama." He continued to kiss over her neck. She knew what this meant and she was in the mood for it surprisingly.

"Thank you Kay." She smiled, throwing her head back as his hands roamed her hips. She completely disregarded how he ignored her question but he didn't mind.

"Mommy." A soft voice groaned. The two snapped their heads seeing Kimora rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Daddy?" She looked, walking over to the two.

"Yeah mama, what happened?"

"Nothing. Can we watch a movie?"

"Whatever you want." He said as she hugged him.

"Okay I'll go get everything ready." She said excitingly, running off.

"You need to be more careful kissing me like that." Arianna said once Kimora was far enough to not hear them.

"She needs to see that her parents in love. I'm going to go change ma." He said, hating being in outside clothes. He gave her a quick peck before going upstairs. He stripped out of his amiri jeans and pulled off his hoodie. He slid a pair of grey sweats and a wife beater on.

He picked up his lighter he left on her bee and went upstairs to the balcony. He was beyond glad he had Kimora and Ariana come into his life because he felt like he was bored and always in his feelings before them. He had a lot of shit going on, he'd never let them in about because he didn't want to introduce him to that world so he let them believe he was a success rapper. Although Ariana knew parts of what he was involved in. she did not know how bad it got once she left him.

Kay was a tough soul to crack, but the shit he had to go through took a toll on him more then he thought it ever would. Overall being with Ariana and his daughter made him forget about what was going on with him. They made him happy and felt like he didn't have to be so cold all the time with them. He promised himself he would never get them mixed up into anything.

"Kevin?" Ariana's head poked out the door.

"Yeah? Everything okay ma? Yall ready?" Kay looked over his shoulder.

"Yeah. Are you okay? Why you out here?"

"I just wanted to smoke. I don't like smoking in front of her." He said looking the high sky scrapers within tbe view.

She sat next to him and let her hands roam his hair that was combed out. She caught herself staring at him, admiring his jaw structure and how handsome he was. She rubbed his shoulders, little did she know she was relieving him from some of his stress. 

"Are you sure okay? You seem off."

"I'm good. I'm glad to here be with you that's all." He said before taking a pull out of his blunt.

The two sat in silence as she continued to rub on his neck and shoulders. She knew something was wrong but also knew how angry Kay would get if people get asking him questions he already answered so she didn't want to push it any further.

"Mommy are you guys ready?" Kimora called out from the doorway of the penthouse to the balcony.

"Yeah we'll be out in a second love." Ariana said, watching her nod and walk away. Kay threw his now short blunt over the balcony, standing up as Ariana did the same.

He walked behind her as they entered the living room seeing Kimora had her favorite blanket and snacks set up already.

"Hurry! It's starting." She called out. Kay picked her up and sat her on his lap as Ariana laid besides them with her head on his shoulder.

"I love you two. I love yall so much. Alright?" Kay said lowly.

"We love you too." Kimora said kissing his cheeks.

My Lady | Kay FlockWhere stories live. Discover now