Chapter 11- Amortentia

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In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the 7th and 8th years had a lot of work to do since they would be doing their N.E.W.T.S in June. Hermione couldn't wait for the year to end, so that she could finally restore her mums memory. But, as Christmas was only a month away, Hermione knew that her wedding was nearing. Draco and Hermione's relationship hadn't really progressed; there were still fights and awkward silences. However, sometimes Hermione would help Draco with his homework when she saw he wasn't doing something correct. The couple had sent out their wedding invitations and told the ministry why they couldn't meet Hermione's muggle parents. So, Draco would be meeting the Weasley's instead of Hermione's mother.

At breakfast one morning, Draco was chatting with Blaise.

"So, have you and Granger snogged?" Blaise asked.

"Can't you stop? You always  ask me about Granger, it's really annoying." Draco told him.

"But I want something to happen between you guys!"

"Too bad, because Granger still thinks I'm some sort of evil death eater."

"Well, you could try to seduce her." Blaise suggested.

"When did I say I want her to snog me?" said Draco, becoming more agitated.

"I don't know, it just seems like you want to." said Blaise, smirking. Draco wondered if he was falling for her. No, I can't fall for her, we are enemies. His eyes flicked towards the Gryffindor table. Hermione was chatting with her friends, but she glanced over to Draco. When their eyes met, they immediately turned away, blushing. 

Later that day, Hermione and Draco both had potions.

"Today we will be making a very difficult potion,"said Professor Slughorn, as everybody took their seats. "We will be attempting to brew Amortentia. You guys were meant to make it last year, but most of you of course, weren't here due to the war." Everybody suddenly started showing much more interest in the lesson. Slughorn noticed this.

"I don't think many people will be able to brew it correctly, it is a very difficult potion. And know that if you do end up brewing it correctly, you will not get to keep the potion." At this, Lavender Brown and Pansy Parkinson looked crestfallen. 

"Now, turn to page 37 in your books it has the recipe, and all the ingredients are in that store cupboard." Slughorn pointed to a cupboard. The class immediately got to action; students examined their books before getting ingredients.

Hermione didn't rush to get ingredients, she examined the book first. She gathered all the ingredients and started to brew the potion. Other students were having difficulty. Pansy Parkinson had accidentally set the potion to boil too early, which resulted in a loud explosion. Her potion smelt like ash and coal. 

Hermione added a sprinkle of pearl dust, which was the last ingredient. After stirring it clockwise 6 times and counter-clockwise twice, she put a lid on the caldron and let it boil for exactly 3 minutes. When it had been three minutes, she smelt the most seductive fragrance she had ever encountered. It was something she had caught scents of almost everyday.  

"Miss Granger, I see you've finished successfully." said Slughorn, walking up to her. Since nobody else had done the potion right, everybody looked towards her eagerly. Slughorn bent down and inhaled the scent.

"I smell what I've always smelt, the smell of a women I always loved." he said, looking sad. He turned to Hermione. "What do you smell, Miss Granger?"

"I smell green apples, spearmint toothpaste, new parchment and a cologne... but I don't know where I would've ..." She broke off, hoping her suspicions weren't true.

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