Chapter 10- Luna Zabini

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Soon, it was time for the Zabini wedding. It was to be on a Saturday and would be held at a nice reception in Hogsmead. Luna and Blaise had decided to have a their alter service and after party at the same place. 

On the day of the wedding Luna woke up next to Blaise, her heart pounding. Her relationship with him had grown considerably. Blaise yawned and got up staring at Luna.

"Today's the day." he said.

"Yes." said Luna, not knowing what to say. Blaise leaned in and kissed her softly. They had kissed a few times now and it was sort of becoming a regular thing. Luna smiled at him.

"My dad and relatives are staying at a hotel in Hogmead and I'm getting ready there, so I guess I'll see you this afternoon." she said, getting up and picking a big bag up. 

"I can't wait to see how you look." said Blaise, hugging her. Luna left the room and was greeted by Hermione and Ginny.

They accompanied her to just outside the castle, and she walked off to  Hogsmead to get ready with her family. Hermione and Ginny decided to get ready after a few hours.

When it was time to get dressed, Hermione went back into her room. Draco was finishing his homework. She peered down at what he was writing.

"That's not right." she said, pointing at the parchment. "That's not the spell to transfigure your head into an object, that one turns you into an animal."

"Oh." said Draco. "Thanks." he scratched his mistake out. Hermione entered the bathroom, and had a quick shower before putting her dress on. She then used magic to straighten her air and added some light makeup. When Hermione exited the bathroom, she saw that Draco was ready. He had slicked his hair, so no stands fell out and he was wearing a nice tux. 

"Your zip hasn't been done up." said Draco, pointing at her back. Before Hermione could register what was happening, he stepped behind her. He zipped the dress up, his fingers unconsciously brushing her back as he did it.

"Thanks." said Hermione, blushing. 

 Soon, the couple found themselves outside the wedding reception. Luna had decided that the bridesmaids and groomsmen would walk in couples behind her and her father. When the doors opened. Luna walked in with her father by her side. Ginny, being the maid of honour, was waiting at the front. 

Draco held out his arm for Hermione as they walked behind Luna's cousin and her husband. Hermione felt safe holding on to Draco's arm, it was a nice feeling. Once they got the alter, they split up to stand on either side of the bride and groom. 

A ministry official was standing in the middle of Luna and Blaise as they said their I do's

"...and I declare you interconnected for life." said the official, placing his wand above their heads, as sparkles fell down open them. Now, they could never back out of their marriage, but they seemed happy about it.

"You may now kiss the bride." Blaise seemed very happy about this bit, he picked Luna up while kissing her. Draco looked at them uncomfortably, he could never be that happy with Hermione. 

Luna and Blaise opened the dance, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen were supposed to join. Hermione had completely forgotten that she had to dance with Draco. She went up to dance floor looking everywhere but at Draco. He too felt very embarrassed. 

Draco placed a hand on Hermione's waist and the other in her hand. She put her other hand on his shoulder, blushing furiously. As they danced, Hermione learnt Draco was a good dancer. As Blaise and Luna passed them, Blaise winked.

"You two seem to be progressing well." Blaise said, smirking.

"Shut up, Blaise, this is your fault, you didn't have to invite us to dance." Draco replied, looking annoyed.

Soon, many other couples joined the dance floor so Draco and Hermione immediately left the dance floor. Draco shook the hand that was in Hermione's violently, as if it had something on it. In return, Hermione pretended to gag. Draco joined one of his friends at a table. Since Ginny was still dancing, Hermione sat down next to Neville and Hannah.

"So how have you two been?" she asked them.

 "It's been amazing. I'm literally with the guy I crushed on for years." Hannah replied, smiling at Neville. He smiled back.

"I hope it's not too hard for you, Hermione." Neville told Hermione. "With Malfoy and all."

"I still can't believe it's happening," said Hermione. "Malfoy is the last person I would want to live my life with." Ron and Pansy joined their table. Ron picked up some appetizers And plopped them into his mouth.

"Ugh, can't you ever stop eating." Pansy complained. Hermione looked at Pansy coldly; she envied her for getting Ron.

"Malfoy has been treating you right, hasn't he?" Ron asked Hermione.

"We don't talk much, I just stay away from him." Hermione replied.

"Good." said Ron. "You know, me and Pansy are kind of getting used to each other."

"Yeah." Pansy agreed.

"Oh, really?" said Hermione. "Well, I'm really happy for you, Ron." She had a false note of happiness in her voice. Hermione wanted to grab Pansy by the hair and throw her out of a window. 

The rest of the wedding went quite well. Hermione spent it chatting with her friends and eating the delicious food. Draco did the same. The two didn't bother to acknowledge each others presence while they were there. 

At the end of the wedding, before everybody left, Luna and Blaise stood up.

"We have an announcement." said Blaise, beaming with joy.Everybody  turned their attention towards them. 

"Me and Blaise," said Luna, also smiling, "are pregnant!" There was a loud applause. Blaise's mother had tears in her eye and went up to hug them both. After congratulating the, Hermione left with Ginny and Harry.

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