"It's good to see you." Cyno noted.

"Mm-hm." Kaveh hummed in acknowledgement of Cyno's greeting, "now what's that about Alhaitham struggling?"

Just as Cyno was about to explain, there was a high-pitched scream which could only belong to one person.


But he was with them, so it was most likely you.

This made the guards freeze as they tried to compute just what in the Abyss would make you screech like that.

"Alhaitham? What's going on?" Cyno quickly tried to check in with his partner who was supposed to be looking after you.

There was no response.

"Damn it." Cyno cursed as he hurriedly ran out of the break room and toward where the sound came from. Incidentally, it was the same place he had seen you last, your room. So you weren't being dragged out through the corridors, good to know.

Approaching the scene of the crime, he could clearly hear the sound of fighting. It was pretty intense, only adding to his urgency.

Bursting through the door and assessing the situation, Cyno was both relieved and annoyed by the sight in front of him, "what are you doing?"

You froze in your struggle like a deer in the headlights, giving the perfect opportunity for Alhaitham to finally succeed in cuffing you to the bedpost, much to your displeasure, "hey! Unlock it this instant!"

"Not happening." Alhaitham dead panned, getting up from the rather awkward position he had been forced into during your mutual struggle.

"I'll ask again. What is happening?" Cyno repeated his inquiry,

"Just taking precautions." Alhaitham shrugged, brushing off his clothes and fixing his hair.

"What kind of precautions-" Cyno sighed, deciding to rephrase his question, "we're supposed to protect her, make sure she's safe."

"She's safer like that."

Cyno was having trouble understanding his co-worker's reasoning, watching him incredulously as the taller man returned to his seat as if he hadn't just cuff you to your bed rather unceremoniously.

As he'd soon come to realize, you and your quick temper had decided it was a good idea to pick a fight with a trained bodyguard. Of course, you had failed spectacularly, ending up in your current predicament.

In your defence, Alhaitham was clearly asking for it with his sassy responses. He lived and breathed sarcasm which was a deadly combination with your easily provoked aggression.

"You can't just tie her up and think it'll solve all your problems." Cyno stated, trying to figure out how to dissolve the animosity between the two.

"Of course it doesn't," Alhaitham agreed, "but it does solve a majority of them."

Cyno gave him an unimpressed look, but decided not to push it further. He'd find a common ground, 'it'll just take time...'

You were still tugging on your restraints rather aggressively, muttering colourful curses under your breath. He'd be in so much trouble once you got out of them.

'A lot of time...'

You weren't going to complain to your father. No, that would be going too easy on him. You had to break him. You would make Alhaitham pay, personally.


"Sit still, damn it." You ordered, trying to get Alhaitham to cooperate.

Troublemaker - Alhaitham x Reader x CynoWhere stories live. Discover now