Assassination Time Pt 1

11 0 0

Kana Pov

I nervously sat at my desk, waiting anxiously for my homeroom teacher to arrive.

I look over at my sister Kaede, who looks almost as nervous as me, which rarely ever happens.

The classroom was a deafening silence till there was a sudden gush of wind I could hear from inside and made the windows shake a bit.

He's here.

There was a swishing noise coming towards the classroom, getting louder and louder.

I nervously took a gulp but tried to keep myself composed like everyone else as the yellow octopod teacher walked in and placed the roll book on his desk with his tentacle.

"All right, people. Let's get started, shall we? Class monitor if you would do the honors."

"Right! Ready!" Nagisa called out and stood up and we all followed his lead and aimed our firearms at our teacher waiting for Nagisa's command.

"Aim... Fire!"

We shot our BBs at our teacher, but he moved at rapid speed, dodging all the BBs.

"Oh. Oh my. Well, why don't I just call roll while you children wear yourselves out." The Octopod says. "Isogai-kun?"


"My apologies. I'll need you to speak up, what with all this gunfire," the Octopod says.








"Kaede Kayano-san?"


"Kana Kayano-san"

"Present!" I shout as I refill my firearm with more BBs.



After roll call was finished, we were all worn out and panting.

"Excellent! All are present and accounted for. No tardies, congratulations." The Octopod's face turned scarlet.

"He's way too fast," Nakamura says.

"The entire class opened fire, and he doesn't even have a scratch." Isogai sighs.

I slump back into my seat. Unfortunately, we're not a normal class. We're being trained to become assassins. And our target... is our teacher.

"Too bad. Not one of your bullets hit me today, either. Tactics that rely on sheer numbers neglect individual focus. Be it line of sight, barrel position, or finger movement, each of you was far too easy to read. You need to be more inventive! Otherwise, you'll never be able to kill me. I can speed up to March 20, you know?" The Octopod says.

"Huh, yeah right." I look at Maehara. "No freaking way did you dodge that hill of bullets."

"I mean, these are just BB pellets." Sugino looks at the pellets. "For all we know, you just stood there and took them like a champ."

He wasn't wrong. Even if he was moving, he looked like he was standing in place.

"Gather up the BBs and hand them over." The Octopod takes Okano's gun.

"I told you these may be harmless to you... but they're special anti-me BB pellets developed by the government. If one hits me,"

The Octopod shoots one of his tentacles off, which startled me a bit, and I looked down at his shot-off tentacle.

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