Meeting A mortal

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Poseidon was very annoyed that Hades dragged him to the mortal world cause he wanted to see a new market place in Tokyo Japan.
"Can you hurry up?" Poseidon asked annoyed.
"If you're that bored, go explore." Hades simply said as he went back to looking around.
Poseidon glared at Hades but does walk around, mostly out of boredom. Poseidon had heard about the rise in demons over the last 1000 years but really didn't care. As Poseidon walked he felt someone run into him.
"Hey the hell?!" Poseidon yelled.
"S-Sorry! I was trying to catch up with my daughter."

Poseidon recognized the demon slayer uniform

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Poseidon recognized the demon slayer uniform. She smiled at him as a girl around 10 years old grabbed her hand.
"I'm Ada, the Storm Hashira and this is my Tsutako. What is your name?" The Polish girl smiled as she held out her hand.
Poseidon just stared at her as Hades walked up.
"Hey I'm done we can head out now." Hades said then turned to Ada. "I'm sorry if my little brother was rude to you."
"No! No! It's fine. I ran into him not the other way around." Ada smiles as she spoke.
As Hades and Poseidon walked to leave the market Hades kept talking about the girl.
"She was kinda cute don't you think Poseidon?" Hades ask.
"I know what you're trying to do Hades. So shut it, I don't like humans."
"You barely know her!" Hades yelled.
"So?" Poseidon simply said.
"You should at least get to know her. Maybe not romantically but just a friendship." Hades said.
"Whatever." Poseidon said.
"It would be good for you, and it would give you a reason to avoid Zeus's meetings." Hades said with a smirk knowing Poseidon hated Zeus's meetings.
"I'll think about it idiot." Poseidon simply said.

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