Daphne then sees Oystery shells.

Daphne: Ick. Oystery shells. The seafood littering in this town is out of control. Ugh. Am I swelling from my allergies, Y/N?

Y/N: Daphne, to me, you can never look too swollen.

Daphne smiles.

Velma: It's a good thing he showed up when he did. Piranha-Goat almost got away with the plans for Crystal Cove's water supply.

Shaggy: Yeah. Ho, ho! If he had succeeded in destroying the town's water, like, we may never have bathed again.

Scooby: We don't bathe now.

Shaggy: Like, quiet, Scoob.

Scooby: Oh.

Sheriff Stone: What could be so important as to lure crystal cove's most famous lawman back from the great beyond?

Velma: Oh, I don't know. Maybe he's here to actually try and solve some crimes.

Sheriff Stone: No, that can't be it. Heck, I've won the crimey, Crystal Cove's crimestopper of the year award, twenty-seven times. There's only one lawman here, and his name is Sheriff Bronson Stone.

Soon after a robber enters a house as old lady sleeps, the old lady gets up and it is revealed to be Sheriff Stone. Before he could make the arrest, Dead Justice arrives and lasso's the thief out of the house. A robbery happens as Sheriff Stone chases them and leaps but misses as the two robbers get in the car, but Dead Justice shoots his pistols, and the bullets are shark-like, and it hits the car and Dead Justice's arrests them. The next night, Mayor Jones is making a speech at the crimey.

Mayor Jones: And I'll say it again. If I haven't already friended you, it's not going to happen, so please stop with the poking.

Sheriff Stone arrives as he is greeted by Deputy Bucky.

Deputy Bucky: Hey, Sheriff. Now, don't be nervous. This is going to be your year. I can feel it.

Sheriff Stone: Bucky, I'm not nervous. Every year is my year. I just want to get this over with so I can catch a movie.

Deputy Bucky: You want to see a movie? Check this out. I made you a little flipbook to commemorate today. Spoiler alert you win the award again.

Sheriff Stone: Bucky, go get me some cotton candy.

Deputy Bucky: Oh, yes sir, Sheriff. I'll make sure it's extra Fluffy!

He runs off as the gang is watching from below as Y/N as an arm around Daphne.

Fred: Think maybe we'll be up there someday winning a crimey?

Y/N: Considering how the town hates us for solving mysteries, I doubt it will be anytime soon.

Mayor Jones then speaks.

Mayor Jones: Thank you for coming out for the 215th crimestopper of the year awards. May I have the envelope, please?

He takes the envelope and opens it.

Mayor Jones: And this year's crimestopper of the year is... Dead justice!

Everyone gasps.

Shaggy: Like, I didn't even know he was eligible. You know, being dead and all.

Scooby: I'm speechless.

Fog rolls in as well as thunder and Dead Justice hops over the citizens.

Dead Justice: Trophies is for sissy folk. I'm just doing my job, which is more than I can say for useless Sheriff Stone.

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