Chapter 2: Registration

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Scott's POV

I'd smile at her, I was slightly anxious because that was not a good first impression. Especially since I'm going to be sat next to her for the rest of the year for registration. Unless Mr Whatever his name is, changes these assigned seats.

I'd chuck my bag behind my chair before sitting down. I could see her looking at me, slightly confused about why I sat here.

"..Oh, yeah. This is my uhh.. This is my assigned seat."

I'd smile awkwardly before remembering I forgot to check if I had everything for the day. I'd lean back on the chair and grab my bag. As I was rummaging through it, I heard her speak.

"You shouldn't lean back on your chair. You could fall back-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You could fall back and hit your head. Blah blah blah. I've heard it a million times."

I'd continue rummaging through my bag. So far, I had found my pencil, ruler, and calculator. I wasn't going to check for my planner because I'd probably get one today.

"No. You could fall back and hit your head on the radiator, and that would give you a concussion. It happened last year. It was really.. unsettling to see happen."

I'd look up at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not that stupid to fall off it!"

I'd then go back to rummaging through my bag once more. I had everything but a pen. I'd throw my bag back behind me before turning around to face the girl next to me, which I didn't actually get her name.

"Do you have a pen I could borrow? Oh, and I don't think I got your name? What is it?"

I wonder if she'll give me one or not. I mean, I'm pretty sure she will. Unless she thought I was rude when I spoke to her. Honestly, I don't know why I'm that bothered. I can always use my pencil. But if I got in trouble on my first day.. God, mom would not be happy. Then Al (Albertha) would be laughing her head off. Gosh. I hate my sister.

Courtney's POV

"Do you have a pen I could borrow? Oh, and I don't think I got your name! What is it?"

God. Why doesn't he have his own pen. I only have my pen and a spare. Nobody ever gives them back. It's a waste. Say no.

"I do. My name is Courtney. Courtney Satella."

I immediately felt like face palming right then and there. I was meant to say no. Now I have to give him my spare. There goes a perfectly good pen. Lost to the hands of this Scott guy.


I'd pick my bag up and grab my spare pen out of it before handing it to him.

"Awesome! Thanks, Courtney."

I stared at him for a moment. It was only a pen. What was so awesome about me giving him a pen. Man. He is weird. I'd place my bag back under the table, and then I began to listen to Mr Johnson tell us about behaviour and how we need to prioritise our grades, which I already do. I was still listening, of course, but then he started to hand out our timetables. That was what caught my full attention.

I was slightly nervous. What if Duncans in all my lessons. What if Bridgette is in none of my lessons. What if-

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts by the guy beside me speaking.

"Your timetable."

He'd smile at me, holding it out for me. Why is he smiling. He's only giving me a piece of paper. It's not that important.

Well- It is that important. Just not for him.

"Thank you, Scott."

I'd roll my eyes slightly, grabbing it out of his hands. I'm not usually mean like that, but he was kinda getting on my nerves. Just a little bit. I mean, he smells like pigs and a farm, his uniform is scruffy, he's not organised, and he just seems weird in general.

"Did you just roll your eyes? Wooww."

I'd frown, hearing him chuckle. He found this amusing. Great. Just great.

"I did. So?"

I would turn to look at him, raising an eyebrow as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, nothing. You're just cute when you're mad. That's all!"

My eyes widened slightly, and I felt my cheeks go slightly pink. It had caught me off guard, to say the least. I mean, who says that to a girl they just met! It's not even been a day! It's been around like 5, possibly 10 minutes! You can't just go around telling that to people you don't know. It's weird. He's weird. God. I'm sat next to him all year.

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