the front door flew open with ah'nija walking in with a bag. "SAN!"

"oh shit.." keedo mumbled shutting up.

the excitement she had on her face soon vanished. "keedo what the hell you doin here?"

"damn." he looked at her. "you ain't happy to see me asum? ugly ass."

"anyways." she rolled her eyes before walking in closing the door behind her.

"what's that?" i asked looking at the black bag.

"lemme explain hold on." she told me sitting her purse down. she dug her hand into the bag pulling a bottle out. "we gotta get drunk tonight."

i smacked my lips. "for what nigga?"

"shit i don't know.." she shrugged. "to celebrate symere dreads growing 2 inches longer i guess."

keedo burst into laughter. "aye that was a good one ian gone lie."

she laughed also agreeing with him. "wont it tho?"

"man shut up, not too damn much on his lil dread ass for real." i told them.

" i told them

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"bink!" i grabbed my hoodie from out my closet throwing it over my head and begin walking to the stairs

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"bink!" i grabbed my hoodie from out my closet throwing it over my head and begin walking to the stairs.

"yesss?" my little sisters small voice sounded from upstairs.

"you ready to go?" i asked making my way up there.

"i can't get my shoe onnn!!" she whined making me laugh walking into my room watching as she sat on the floor struggling to put on her shoe.

"cmere i got it."

i lowered down to her level taking her shoe off, loosening up the laces and slipped it on her feet.

"was that so hard?" i looked at her and she made a face.

"you know how to tie your shoe?"

she nodded. "yes."

"alright, lemme see."

"you take your laces and put it under this." she pulled it tight.

"take one bunny ear...then take another bunny ear.." she explained. "then you twist them together and put one of the bunny ears into the hole."

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