35 - "Where's Egypt Marshall?"

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She banged down the front door and rang the bell. Ember answered the door with three soldiers behind her, looking at a crazed looking Lisa who had snot and tears leaking out her eyes and nose.

"He took her! Please Ember I just want my baby! I can't..." Lisa started to jumble her words.

Ember was so confused. Sheila had to explain that they believed Lotus had Egypt. They begged her to tell them if she knew anything and spoke to her from the place of a mother.

Ember felt bad for both her son and Lisa. But she wouldn't want Egypt to be here if that was the case. She didn't want that mostly for her son's sake. She didn't want Lotus in any kind of legal trouble. He was powerful but kidnapping was a life sentence if caught.

"Lisa and Ms. Sheila I'm sorry to tell you, but she's not here. Why would he have her here?"

"Y-you don't know that! This is a m-mansion, Ember!" Lisa hiccuped through her violent cry. "H-he could have her a-a-anywhere. Did you check the basement? That's where h-he had us the first time! That's where he loves t-to put people! Please let me see! Please!"

Ember watched the daughter and grandmother, feeling pity for them. She huffed and motioned them inside to show them there was nothing to hide. All three searched the basement then the entire house. The place was empty, proving Lotus didn't have Egypt here.

The three women ended up back in the foyer.

Lisa still was not convinced however. "What if he has her at some remote location?"

Sheila stood holding her daughter. Ember looked at Lotus' soldiers who stood stoned face, not knowing what to do. They would've never let Lisa and her mother inside the house, but the boss's mother okayed it and she lived here so there was nothing they could do.

"I'll call him." Ember said, now the one trembling. The two ladies behavior was scaring her.

Lotus didn't answer his phone the three times Ember called. But she didn't have to wait long as Lotus had pulled up ten minutes later. He'd come from Hunter mall, checking up on business. He saw his mother calling but didn't feel like answering. Plus he was close to the house any way.

When Lotus walked in his home and was met with his mother, Lisa's mother Sheila and Lisa, he stopped chewing the gum in his mouth, caught off guard. He looked at his three men who all looked at his mother. So Lotus did the same.

"Lotus they're looking for Egypt, she's missing." Ember said softly, she tilted her head to the side giving him a look that begged him not to be responsible for this. "Do you know anything? Just as a parent, tell her if you did anything."

Lotus stared at his mother for a long time. He watched her standing close to the Marshall women, rubbing her own arm up and down like she was cold. Then he peeled his brown eyes away from her and looked at Lisa. He started chewing his gum again and a sudden calm washed over him.

"What do you want to know?" Lotus asked.

Lisa's heart skipped several beats. "Lotus tell me where she is."

He didn't say anything for a few seconds. Then he started walking. "Follow me. Just you." He said, but making a head motion to his three men to accompany them.

Lisa didn't hesitate. She noticed Lotus didn't even take his shoes off as he walked toward the grand staircase. Which was something he would never do. She had her shoes on as well but the circumstances were different. She was here for her missing child.

Ember stood in the foyer, lips folded, rubbing both arms up and down praying her son hadn't done anything crazy to Egypt. Sheila also stood nervous but the two grandmothers were quiet, standing next to each other.

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