Chapter Ten: Hello, Again, Beacon Hills

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Nobody's Pov

The screen turns on and the camera pans to the road where we see a black car driving down.

The camera pans inside the car and we see Stiles and Kurt in the front, with Stiles driving, and the twins are in the back fast asleep.

"You guys didn't sleep on the plane?" Quinn asked the twins.

"We tried but it was hard since the seats were uncomfortable and not to mention there was this annoying baby nearby that wouldn't stop crying" Claudia explained.

"Yeah so we got as much sleep as we could in the car" Alex added.

"So, are we going to see your dad or go see Scott?" Kurt asked, looking at his husband.

"We're going to see my dad first. He'll want to see us, especially me, since we're all here" Stiles said.

"Damn right I would wanna see you. Especially if we haven't seen each other in person for years" Noah nodded.

He would never pass up the chance to see his son in person since it has been a while since he left beacon hills.

"That's true. He has been wanting to see the twins for a while" Kurt nodded.

"Why do I have a feeling he's prepared some presents for them? Like always" Stiles chuckled.

"Oh, grandpa Noah gives the best presents whenever we visit him in beacon hills" Alex smiled.

"I know right" Claudia nodded with a smile of her own.

"Yeah, my dad always has presents prepared for them whenever he visits us" Kurt chuckled.

"Grandpa Burt gives us the best presents as well" Claudia smiled.

"Yeah he does. But we're just as happy to see them in person and get the chance to spend time with them" Alex smiled.

Noah and Burt smiled at their grandchildren as did Melissa and Carole.

"Well our fathers love to spoil our kids" Stiles shrugged.

Kurt laughed and nodded his head in agreement.

He stared out the window for a few seconds before turning around to look at his husband.

"Do you know who else is going to come?" Kurt asked.

"Scott told me that Liam's coming and he's bringing a friend of his. Apparently she's a kitstune" Stiles said.

"Huh? Well, it'll be nice to see the little beta again. It's been a while" Kurt smiled.

"Tell me about it" Stiles nodded.

Liam looked at the married couple with a small fond smile.

Ever since he met Kurt, due to him and Stiles getting together and him meeting the pack, they have always treated him as if he were their son.

He didn't mind it, not one bit.

If anything he liked it and overtime they really became his second parental figures.

He just hates that they all left beacon hills and never looked back in order to walk their own path and do their own thing.

They may call, text and facetime whenever but it's just not the same.

"Anyone else?" Kurt asked.

"Isaac and Malia are coming. They had to cut their trip to England short due to Scott calling them. Their plane should be landing in a hour or two" Stiles explained.

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