Kinn sensing something deeper and said

Kinn: Porsche, I'm not asking about your body. I'm asking about your mind

Porsche hesitated for a moment before confessing

Porsche: Kinn, I don't know... i don't know if what we're doing is right. I feel so stressed about this about my study.i don't know what did i do wrong that everyone hates me even my own mom. I tried really hard not to love you but...but i just can't. I'm sorry kinn bu I... I love you

Tears welled up in Porsche's eyes

But before they could fall Kinn pulled him into a tight hug

Kinn: It's okay, Porsche. It's okay

Kinn reassured him

Porsche, desperately pleaded

Porsche: Please don't leave me kinn, please...

Kinn held him even tighter and whispered

Kinn: I won't

In that moment, Kinn and Porsche's feelings for each take a turn

Kinn leaned in again his lips pressed up against porsche in a sweet, long, passionate kiss

They was beginning to breathe a bit heavier than usual

They broke the kiss and kinn chuckled deeply

putting his forehead against porsche so gently

Kinn suddenly picked porsche up from his thighs and his legs were wrapped around kinn's waist

Porsche looked so confused and nervous

Kinn then headed to the bed and gently laid Porsche down there

He looked at Porsche and asked

Kinn: Po are you scared?

Porsche: kinn I haven't done this yet....

Porsche said with little shame and nervous

Kinn: shh...don't worry i won't hurt you

Kinn said with a assurance smile and again began to kiss

Kinn sucked and bit on his neck creating little dark marks

Porsche breathed, his lips parting from the pleasure

Then porsche began to unbutton his shirt

popping each button off before pulling the item of clothing off his shoulders

He was confident in his own skin, so he had no issue showing it to kinn

Not wasting another second porsche crashed his lips onto kinn

The kiss was rather aggressive

Porsche's tongue moulding with his as his hands went down to take off kinn's dress completely

Their nights were filled with whispered promises and stolen kisses

Their bodies entangled in a passionate embrace

The world around them faded into insignificance as they surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm of love

The next day Porsche woke up to the warm rays of the morning sun streaming through the curtains

As he turned his head, his eyes fell upon Kinn, who was lying peacefully next to him

The sight of Kinn's handsome features took his breath away

His soft hair, pale skin, and beautiful lips

Everything about him felt so right

Porsche still couldn't believe that he had spent the night with Kinn

It was a lot of emotions, a mix of excitement and uncertainty

He knew that what they had done was both exhilarating and forbidden

But he couldn't go back now

He had crossed a line, and there was no turning back

Lost in his thoughts, Porsche gently began to stroke Kinn's hair, relishing in the intimacy of the moment

Suddenly, Kinn's eyes fluttered open, and he looked at Porsche with concern

Kinn: Are you okay

Kinn asked, his voice filled with genuine worry

Porsche simply nodded his head, unable to find the right words to express the storm of emotions inside him

Kinn: Then let's freshen up and go for breakfast before Khun comes here

Kinn suggested, breaking the silence

Porsche and Kinn got out of bed

each heading to their respective rooms to get ready

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, they met in the dining area where Achara and Thankhun were already seated

As they sat down to eat, Kinn broke the news to his mother

Kinn: Mom, we're going back to Bangkok today

Kinn announced

Kinn's mother, looked disappointed

Achara: You just arrived yesterday. Why are you leaving so soon?

Khun also chimed in

Thankhun: Yes, I didn't even get a chance to introduce Porsche to Sebastian and Elizabeth

Kinn: Something urgent came up, Mom. I really need to go to Bangkok. I promise I'll stay longer next time

Kinn assured his mother, hoping to ease her disappointment

Khun turned to Porsche, his eyes filled with sadness

Thankhun: Po, when will we meet again?"

Porsche: Call me next time you're in Bangkok, and we can hang out for sure

Porsche replied, sincerity lacing his words

He had grown fond of Kinn's family, especially Khun, who had welcomed him with open arms

Thankhun: ok

Khun said, a smile playing on his lips

Achara joined in

Achara: Porsche, come here with Kinn when you have time. We'd love to have you

Porsche: Sure, Mom

Porsche replied, touched by their acceptance

Kinn then turned to his mother and asked

Kinn: Mom, where is Pah?

Achara: He went to see someone

Achara replied

Kinn nodded and said

Kinn: Then tell him we're leaving

With heartfelt goodbyes, Kinn and Porsche bid farewell to everyone

Khun held onto Porsche tightly, not wanting to let go

After sometimes Kinn separated them, and they made their way to the car ready to embark on their journey back to Bangkok


Thank you for reading my story
I hope you enjoyed it💚💛

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