"I sent her off, I know not where," he said innocently.

"Loki," Thor threatened. Natasha pulled her handgun out of her pocket and started cleaning it, sending Loki a very clear message. MJ, more aggressive, shoved her mace underneath Loki's chin.

"Tell me where my friend is, you bastard, or you will never see the light of day again," she said.

"I'd listen, she's scarier than me," Peter called.

"Peter, literally everyone in this room is scarier than you," Wanda said. Peter scowled. 

"We're getting off track," Natasha said. "Loki, what have you done to Ivy Stark. Stop playing games, we know you have done something." 

"And if I have? You puny, pathetic mortals shall ne-ughh," MJ cut Loki off effectively, by shoving her mace further against his neck. 

"Loki..." Thor said again. "This Midgardian is not playing." 

"Name's Michelle Jones. Or MJ. And no, I am not," MJ informed them. 

"MJ, hon, come back here a little bit," Pepper said. "He has to speak if we want information." MJ grumbled under her breath but agreed and stepped back. 

"Listen, Rock of Ages, we will keep you here til the day you die unless you tell us, here and now, where is my daughter?" Tony said forcefully, growing angrier with each second he didn't respond. 

"Man of Iron, you will never find her," Loki sneered. "I have hidden her in so far a place, so unreachable a location, that you would never believe me should I tell you." 

"Try me." 

"I have hidden her," Loki paused, sweeping the room with his eyes. "I have hidden her in a realm called Middle Earth."

"Yeah, right. That's a fairy-tale," Tony said. 

"And a cinematic masterpiece!" chimed in Natasha. 

"And a brilliant book," Steve finished. 

"Not a place," Dr. Strange said. "Unless..." 

"Ugh, the wizard's here too," Loki said. He rolled his eyes, but nobody was paying any more attention to him. 

"Unless what, Stephen?" Tony asked.

"I think Loki is being serious," Dr. Strange said.

"How?" asked Steve.

"Patience, I am getting there. He might have managed to actually put her in Middle Earth with the correct spell...it would involve aligning expectation with reality, cross-dimensional travel, and years of research, but..." Dr. Strange surveyed the room darkly. "He may not be lying."

"What?" whispered Peter, breaking the stunned silence.

"Middle Earth? That place where hobbits are?" Bucky asked.

"And elves, wizards, dwarves, orcs," Sam listed, ticking them off on his fingers. "Quite a lot of creatures you don't see everyday."

"No kidding. But what was that, Stephen, about him being truthful?" Steve said. "I swear, you must all have ADHD, with how easily you get distracted," he muttered under his breath. 

"Pfft, no I don't," Peter said. 

"Yes, you do. Remember that doctor's trip?" MJ reminded him. 

"He didn't know what he was talking about. Besides, that was before the spider bite." 

"Who says the spider-bite cures ADHD?"

"That was a false diagnosis, MJ!" 

"Guys! Kind of proving his point, here," Tony said. "Focus! Stephen, do you think you could get her back?" 

"No...but maybe in a few weeks. I believe I have books on cross-dimensional travel, at least in theory, and once I find them and put together a spell, I might be able to go there, find her, and bring her back," Stephen said. 

"Good. Will you?" Tony asked. 

"Of course. She is my friend, as well as your daughter," Stephen said. 

"Wait. My brother might be of some assistance," Thor said. 

"How so?" Tony asked. 

"He already performed the spell once, who's to say he cannot perform it again?" Thor suggested.

"Oh no, brother, I am afraid not," Loki smirked. "I shall not help any of your...friends today, tomorrow, or any day. Now, I must be goi-hey!"

"You are not teleporting away either," Thor grumbled. "I know all your tricks, brother. Lady Nat, will you take us to a cell where I can keep him for the time being, until he decides to help?"

Hey!! How did you like it? I hope it was good. Thanks so, so much for reading it!! As always, please comment and vote, if you wish. Can't wait to see you next time!!

-The Author

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