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A small gasp resounded through the forest, amato sat on the ground still shaken up, he looked down to where the red circle that he stepped on was only to find that it was... Gone.

He was sure he wasn't dreaming when it happened because of the excruciating pain, still lightly coursing through his body. How much time had passed? He asked himself.

Ugh, now he regretted that he left without mechabot then all of this wouldn't have happened. Amato groaned as he woke up, his mind still spinning as he balanced himself by grabbing onto a nearby tree. He looked around, not much seemed to change. Like only mere minutes have passed when he felt like it had been hours.

He carefully made his way home, ignoring his fatigue and his pounding head unaware of the black eyes that silently watched him walk away in pain. Luther stood in the trees as he watched amato walk away, in truth not a lot of time passed here in the real world but in the subspace it would feel like hours or moreover decades there.

Subspaces are more to... Well, places in your mind, it can basically be called a subconsciousness. Luther hummed to himself as he jumped down from the tree once confirming that amato was gone, ah, that's right.

He's here so he has to look out for amato all the time now thanks to reverse's command but who was he to say no? Reverse saved him from that... Nevermind that, he went to the spot where the red circle was and started to chant something the surrounding that was empty now glowed with crimson red as he backed away a little, great, now reverse could roam around freely.

That is if he didn't tamper with the circle, oh how much he hated when reverse had another host and he'll be the one to clean up the mess. But amato? No... No, he can't bring himself to hate amato after all's that happened, he cared for that boy like his own brother after all amato was the one who...

"Luther" A voice calls out, luther quickly turns to find reverse standing right behind him, the two stare at each other for a while in total silence, seriously this lasted for at least 5 minutes before reverse broke the silence by saying; "Look after amato, and make sure none of his friends know about ANY of this."

Reverse said in a stern voice, luther rolled his eyes and turned away from reverse, humming to himself as he walked away from reverse who had a scowl on his face. "I heard you, no need to glare at me like that, yeah? I don't plan on letting his little friends know, at least not until.." Luther stops.

"You know what, nevermind" He turns to look back behind him to find that reverse was already gone from sight, typical.  Reverse has always been like that for as long as he can remember, ever since they first met. Reverse didn't willingly take luther in at first but after luther kept following him around and pestering him he gave in.

Luther laughs at the memory, oh. Right, he had to go find amato now. He sighed and jumped up onto one of the tree branches, looking around the green scenery when his eyes caught the moving brown head, he kept a close eye on amato as he made his way out of the forest.

At that point, luther also followed him out of the forest "Yoohoo! Amato~" he called out, amato spins around upon hearing the voicr and instinctively backs away, luther lets out an offended voice "oh come on, I won't hurt you! Plus how are you gonna get home if you don't know where you are?"

That was true, amato followed luther without thinking much. Like his body acted on its own and in a blur he was just in the forest, the surroundings also looked... Unfamiliar so he had no choice but to rely on luther for the way back home.

Luther got a hold of amato's hand, then walked for a bit. Amato suddenly felt an incoming headache and he shut his eyes, his hand still being held by luther he opened his eyes again once the headache subsided and what did you know, they were in Kota Hilir's town square.

Luther let go of amato's hand and walked ahead, amato just chased after Luther "Hey! What was that!? I suddenly felt a headachr, closed my eyes and now we're here!?" Amato asked with pure confusion in his voice, luther looked back at him and simply smirked.

Which sort of pissed off amato. Amato continued asking him questions but they were left unanswered as they continued walking back to the familiar neighborhood.

"Ahh.. That luther guy again, always messing up our plan." A hoarse voice comments, smoke surrounding them as they lift the cigarette further from their mouth.

They look up on their screen, holographic images popping up of the familiar brunette with white tips, but not the teen one - no no, this was a smaller, younger version of him.

The 'person' lets out a hum as they looked through the images, placing their cheeks on top of their fisted hand that stood resting on the arm chair. "Any information?" The hoarse voice comes again.

This time, a robotic one replaced the hoarse voice "No sir, we have not been able to track down the boy. We believe it is because of that demon" The man grits his teeth and turns his chair so he was facing the soon to be doomed robot.

Daggers appeared in his hands and he swiftly threw them at the robot before anyone or anything in the room could react, hitting its body perfectly in the core center, it fell back now as broken as ever. "Worthless! Mina, I trust you've found any sort of whereabouts of the boy?"

A girl, no seemingly older than around 17 or so walks forward, hands on her back as she focused her gaze on the man before her "Yes, father. I have found where his school is and class seems to be, and according to-"

Her red eyes widened when a dagger flew right past her, lightly grazing her cheek that created a small cut. She looked back at the dagger that was now stuck to the wall then back at her seemingly father.

"That's all I need to hear from you, great job" At his words, mina couldn't help but feel happy inside that she could help her father with finding this mere boy, but she couldn't understand one thing - what is it that father wanted so bad from a human?

They already have everything, they're powerful, rich, everyone listens to them so she couldn't comprehend why her father needed this boy. Father dismissed them all, so now she headed for the library in the well hidden spaceship.

She had been studying about some crystals for her own sake of research before taking over the spaceship as soon as she turned 18 years old, she sat down on the chair and resumed to flip through the pages of the book that was left on the table before meeting with her said father.

"Hm? This.. Has a rather interesting name, let's see.."

She read the page carefully, eyeing every single detail on the crystal and analyzing the words carefully.

"This crystal is of course no ordinary crystal, it was said to have been found centuries ago but it's origin is still left unknown to this day, it was rumored to have been found at the very core of the earth itself. It had a mesmerising red-ish color that hypnotizes anyone who lays eyes upon it for more than 10 seconds. But it does not happen to everyone, the crystal seems to have a mind of its own and will choose it's own host."

"Once a host is chosen, the host will be given immense power but will not be conscious during this state as another being possesses them, the being was described to be a dark shadowy figure but will take the shape of jts host when it has chosen one. Once it gets bored of said host, it will slowly eat the host's core and the host will fall deeply ill, this process takes no longer than 3 days and the host will finally die. As long as the thing inside them does not get bored of the host,

The host will live on forever and ever, be it, decades, centuries. Still looking the same age as when it was first accompanied by the thing inside them now. After a lot of thoughts into naming this crystal we have decided to give it by the name of -"

"The reverse crystal"


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Word count: 1473

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