Harry Styles 1 (Part 1)

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~ (y/n) p.o.v~

I was sitting on the couch with my two kids. Darcy, was five years old and has brown, curly hair like her father. She had my eyes, and they were bright and full of wonder and she was my perfect little girl along with Louis. Now, Louis was 4 years old, he had straight hair like mine,but had the personality like Harry, full of charm and charisma. They were both so much like him and I love them so much.

It was around Christmas and we were heading out to a party. Everyone, friends and family, were going to be there and it was going to be so much fun. Darcy and Louis were full or joy and couldn't wait to see their friends. We were just waiting for Harry to come home so that we could leave together.

"Mommy, where's daddy? I want to go!" She said pulling on my leg.

"Daddy is coming sweetie. Just a little longer, how about you play with Louis while you wait, ok?" I said leading them to Darcy's room.

"Ok, come on Louis." She grabbed Louis's hand and they both started to play house. Darcy was the mommy and Louis was acting like a daddy... They were both so happy with each other. I wish Harry could have seen this, I wonder where he's at? I decided to wait a couple minutes before I called him. The phone rang for a bit and someone answered..

-"Harry? Where you at? The kids and I are waiting to go." I was expecting him to say sorry just running a bit late babe or something but I received something else that I wasn't expecting...

- "Sorry Harry isn't here right now"

- "Wait, What? Who is this? And where is he at? Is he ok?!"

- "My name is Stephanie, and yea he's ok just past out on my couch.. He had a bit too much to drink if you know what I mean, but he'll be awake in a couple of hours.. I can tell him you called him if you want?"
(Who's Stephanie? He wouldn't do that would he? He has a family, why? Of course, because he's Mr.Styles one of the most popular man in world! That why!"

- "My name should have popped up when I called you. I'm his wife..."

-No it's just your number... Are you just some crazy fan trying to get a hold of Harry and just saying it's his wife just so that I'll leave him alone? Because for your information he's seeing someone and that person is me" she said with in a cocky tone. She got on my nerves real fast. And why would he take my name off? Am I an embarrassment?

- "Listen here you beach* I'm his wife and he has children. I don't know what you or him are doing over their but you better hope I never see your face."

- "Well he told me he was single and that he was into me. Your family must have not been as important to him than you think!"

- "You know what?! Shut up I don't want to here your annoying voice anymore! Leave a message for me, tell Harry he can have you and that I don't ever want to see his fudging face again... From his ex-wife.... Now goodbye!" And I threw the phone across the room, shattering it.

I couldn't believe he would do this to me and the kids. I thought he loved us...why? I was sobbing on the floor trying to keep it to myself but I heard a door open with little footsteps coming towards. Quick (y/n) you can't let them see your upset... I quickly wiped away my tears and put a fake enough smile on my face before they both came down.

"Mommy? Are you ok? We heards lots of crying and yelling... Is daddy here? He can make you feel better." Said Darcy. I looked over to Louis and he had a concerned look on his face.

I just smiled and grabbed them both into a big hug. "No sweetie daddy is busy and he said we could go without himAnd that we could also go pack and go sleepover at a friends house! Doesn't that sound fun!"trying to sound happy through my sorrow.

Their faces were covered in joy. If only they knew what was really going on....We all raced upstairs and started to pack and before we knew it we weren't coming back....

(This is part 1 of Harry)

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