03 ♡ Matrimony

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Yuuji used all two of his braincells to recap the plan you'd laid out,"So...Cursed Timeline lets you travel to the past. But you can't do anything to change it, you can only find out what happens and use that to find a solution in the present. That's why Mr.Gojo asked you to watch Rika's accident and you found out Okkotsu cursed her, which helped you guys break the curse."

"Exactly. This means I can't change the fact Sukuna reincarnated inside you", you emphasized from the edge of his bed. Gojo had already made himself at home, being fully sprawled out on the boy's bed and flipping through luxury magazines he'd occasionally 'ooh~' at.

You continued,"But having a daughter with an obsession over curses has its benefits. Sadie's shown me some scrolls that mention an Unholy Matrimony. Whatever that is, it's the reason Sukuna stopped killing for years before he died and if I roam the Heian Era enough to get to the bottom of it, we could find an alternative to your execution."

The silence that followed after that almost begged for more details. But there were none; that was it. That was Gojo's spur-of-the-moment plan to save Yuuji. Your enthusiasm shrunk with the lack of feedback from Yuuji until he caught you off guard with a nod so big it could've given him a whiplash.

"Ok. I know what the matrimony is."

"Uh- You do?", your shock was clear as day. Gojo shifted his attention from the magazine to Yuuji with interest and a moment of clarity hit you.

Of course he knows. He's practically one with Sukuna.

"Yeah! It's obvious isn't it? Matrimony means marriage. He married Rika, the Queen of Curses!"

Or not. You stifled a laugh to keep from being rude, well-aware Yuuji was much newer to the world of jujutsu sorcery. Gojo had different plans and held his own cheeks as he gasped dramatically,"You're a genius! They're probably mommy and daddy to all curses too. I bet they made curses the same way people made babies."

"By putting their butts together. We're onto something", Yuuji nodded furiously. Your giggles took control of you at that point, earning a subtle smile from the tall man behind you and you waved your hands in a 'stop' motion.

"No, no! Don't listen to Satoru. First of all, Rika's married to Yuta, I just told you that!", Yuuji's shoulders slumped as he remembered,"And 'Matrimony' could mean more. It could be a pact or a vow. We won't know until I go, which speaking of it..."

Gojo nodded. You didn't need to say anything for him to know what was in your mind and he spoke your thoughts,"Right now's good enough. We still have a few hours before picking up the last first-year."

Yuuji jumped up with sudden worry,"Wait! Right now?!"

You looked at him questioningly before he mumbled with a guilty voice,"It's just...You've said you're not a fighter but you're about to visit Sukuna on your own. I can't keep you safe from him like now...and I really don't want you to get hurt, especially over me..."

He hadn't known you for longer than a week but already cared for you like a good friend. Your heart melted at his warmth and you smiled gratefully before squishing his cheeks the way you did Sadie's. His concerned face didn't falter.

"That's really sweet, Yuuji, but you have nothing to worry about. I can't get hurt in the past because it's not my timeline. But since you're concerned, how about protecting my real body while I'm away? I'll be in a deep sleep with no means of defense. I could use a bodyguard. What do you say?"

His eyes lit up and he grinned,"Count me i-"

The sweet interaction was cut off once Gojo unexpectedly swatted your hands off the boy. His lips were pursed childishly,"Yes, count us in, whatever. Let's not waste too much time."

Questioning Gojo's actions was always pointless so you agreed cheerily before turning your body to him,"Okay. But before you put me to sleep, just one more thing, okay?"

Gojo's ability to force anyone into a slumber came in handy for your technique. However, there really was no point to falling asleep just for you to unwillingly wake up. You were a light-sleeper after all and Yuuji's back wall was a window that let all brightness seep in. So you came up with a solution on the spot. 

Without saying anything, you brought up your hands to Gojo's face. He didn't move away. Your touch was far from foreign and he welcomed every second of it. You were painfully oblivious to his muscles tensing when your fingers carefully slid under his blindfold.

Your movements were as gentle as possible. He vividly relished your fingertips as they ran through his spiky undercut, and as you lifted the blindfold, they eventually ran through soft white hair too, leaving a soft tingle in their path. 

You couldn't help but smile at the sight of Gojo's eyes once his hair fell free. His expression didn't give away any of his thoughts as he held the eye contact.

"Now I'm ready", you smiled as you snapped the blindfold on yourself. Your lack of sight kept you from noticing the weird look Yuuji shot Gojo's few seconds of silence. The older man simply ignored him.

After a few moments, all you heard was a sigh from Gojo before feeling two cold fingers on your forehead. You took a deep breath in anticipation and within seconds your muscles shut off on their own. You fell back, your mind drifting away, and the last thing you felt before the world became darkness was two hands you knew very well catching you.

"Itadori", Gojo's voice pierced the silence as he stared at your sleeping form in his arms. Yuuji perked up at the loss of silence, the atmosphere becoming a little odd for him,"You can leave now."

"Leave?Um...This is my room. And (Name) asked me to protect her", he mumbled with an uncertain smile. Gojo ripped his gaze away from you and looked towards Itadori. He didn't repeat himself--he didn't have to. Yuuji nervous laughed before agreeing,"Yeah, maybe you're better as a bodyguard. I'll hang with Fushiguro for a bit."

Part of him was glad to leave the room despite his own protests. He'd come to know his teacher as a playful, unserious man with an ego he deserved to have. Seeing this new side was a little weird and as he shut his own door closed, he sighed in relief. The moment he let go of the doorknob a low voice came from his cheek.

"Switch with me."

Yuuji froze up. Why would Sukuna think he'd ever agree to that? He slapped his hand over the mouth on his cheek to shut the curse up,"Are you crazy? You think I don't know better than to keep you away from my friends?"

Sukuna formed a mouth above Yuuji's hand and practically growled,"Damn it, brat, switch with me! That shitty sorcerer's pawing at my wife!"

Yuuji scoffed as he walked away,"I said no! Your wife? I don't know what game you're trying to play but I'm not playing."

The curse gave no response other than a few vulgar insults he threw at Yuuji but the boy tuned it out as best he could. One word stuck to his mind.


One thing was clear: You were far too good for someone like the King of Curses to refer to you as his wife. He tch'd in your defense,"As if she'd ever be with someone like you. I guess even curses are vulnerable to dementia once they're old enough."

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