•Holiday Special•

Magsimula sa umpisa

P.S. if you're worried about not acting like this world's version of you, don't! You'll be fine. You should be similar enough that people won't notice, and well, if anyone does, I may have given you a little extra help with that ;D

~Sincerely, the Author

"The author?..." Y/N wondered, as they sat the letter on their lap. Looking back to the masked person guarding the door, they realised that this must be the undead guard they replaced in their in world. As Y/N looked at them, the guard looked back at Y/N, pale and lifeless eyes looking through them rather than at them. A shiver went down Y/N's spine and they gulped. Was this what it was like for the people around them usually? Wanting to distract themself from the guard, Y/N went back to the envelope, the author didn't lie as they found a profile and schedule.

Name : Y/N L/N
School year : junior
Roommate : Andori Kio
Friends : Kalie VonSari, Andori Kio, Halim McCaster
Aqquintences : Serak and Polis Esten, Tyie VonSari, Mai Adina
Popularity : weirdly high

Y/N is the child of a retired royal knight, who got into school using hardwork and dedication. Coming from very small town, there weren't many educational options, but their parent made sure to get the best they could for their child. Knowing it could be important for Y/N later on in life, the old knight insisted on getting them into the school. Eventually Y/N was accepted in, accepted due to their above average grade in the entrance exam, and a makeshift scholarship based on their abilities in combat.

Looking then at the schedule, it was an ordinary school schedule, with the exeption of different events peppered about. Lantern making+lighting, gift exchange, and a bake sale, to name a few. At the very end in big bold letters was :
"Winter break!"
While Y/N was still looking over their papers, Andori emerged in their perifreal vision.

"Are you still in bed? Get moving or we'll be late, I don't want to have to delay getting to class to wait for you." He crossed his arms haughtily as he looked down on Y/N.

"If you're so worried, don't wait," Y/N responded lazily, slowly dragging themselves from their covers, "I see you're already ready." They said, regarding his competed uniform. Andori rolled his eyes and went over to the small table.

"You really think I'm going to walk without you?" He sat down with a huff, "now are you going to get dressed, or will I have some time to brew us some tea?"

"I'm going, I'm going!" Y/N rolled out of bed and went over to their wardrobe. They plucked a slightly crumpled white button up, the school blazer, a pair of socks, and which ever bottoms from the different styles of pants and skirts they prefered. A large messenger bag hung on a hook on the inside of the door, from its contents, Y/N assumed it was their school bag, so they picked that up too. They brought all items over to their changing screen, and swapped their pajamas for their uniform. During the process, Y/N caught sight of themself in the mirror. A rather uncanny sight, if they were being honest. They were so used to this "not them" version, created from the parts of other people, that their former apprence looked weird. Eyes uncannily bright, skin stained a vibrant warm colour, all usual to a human, but it still felt weird. Forcing themself away from the mirror, Y/N finished getting ready.
Buttoning up their blazer as they walked out, they saw Andori sitting up.


"So have you reconsidered?" Andori asked, he walked with his hands behind his back and his head held high, almost looking down at the other students passing by. Y/N walked beside him with their hands in their pockets, watching the signs of the classes go by more than the students. Behind the two of them walked Andori's guard.

"Reconsidered what?" Y/N responded flatly, glancing at him.

"You're plans for the winter break, surely you can't seriously think you'll have a better time in that little village of yours than with me in Sericiy." Andori's voice was laced in disbelief as he recounted his friend's decision, still in shock at their denial.

•Leave Me Out Of The Harem• {Various Yanderes X Gender-neutral Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon