
18 1 0

|Hadley |

"You came" a voice said the moment I walked through the familiar oak doors, these doors held my childhood, my first and enough memories to make me any trip here a little trip down memory lane
This was the place I grew up, I spent more time here then I did my own home. I might not have an open invitation here anymore, but once a year - It's open season 
But little does Caden know.. this is the last year we do this 

"You called" I replied turning around to see him leaning against the kitchen arch, he looked the same as he does every year. Every year that passes he always looks a little more tired, a little worn out 
I've tried for countless years to get him on the mend, to try and pull him out of this little slump he's in but it never works
Today it's been 15 years since the accident
That accident changed everything for Caden, it's threw away his idea of his future but little does he know that being on his never ending bender made him lose out on a lot more then before 
My thoughts go back to my boys at home. Caden's two sons that he has no idea about 

The moment I get the confidence to tell him he's always so high or drunk that it won't matter. He wouldn't remember it in the morning
And I love those boys more then I love myself, I refuse to put them in his mess 
This is Caden's mess to fix, not theirs 

"I always come when you call, you should know that by now Cade" I reminded him as he took a step closer swiftly embracing me like I was about to disappear
"Where are your brothers?" I asked knowing the answer
Every year on this day, Caden pushes everyone away. He won't let his brothers or his parents near him. It seems that the only person allowed close is me 
Which makes this entire ending worse 

"I know, I just feel like one of these days it'll all be over. You'll realise how much more you deserve Hads" He said making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up
Does he know?
"How about we focus on here and now yeah? We can just enjoy tonight, being with each other?" I suggested making him smile softly that I barely saw it 

"Come on, I've got something to show you. Ma found it earlier" He smiled proudly taking a hold of my hand guiding me through the house

Nothing has changed, this house still holds everything that has ever happened in this place. If this is the last time I ever step foot in here then I wouldn't want to be here with anyone else 

It was around this time of year where all the boys returned home to spend Summer with their mum, I remember when I used to be invited to countless back garden parties. Their Mum, Maria used to put out the biggest spread whilst their Dad, Neil used to be at the barbeque for hours cooking whatever we wanted. Being the only girl always around the boys growing up, the pair of them practically took me in as one of their own 
They were the family I needed when my own failed me

"What is-" I started before Caden pulled out a small white binder from his bedside table, I looked over him before my eyes drifted over to the book with a soft smile seeing the picture on the front

"What is-" I started before Caden pulled out a small white binder from his bedside table, I looked over him before my eyes drifted over to the book with a soft smile seeing the picture on the front

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