Heat Warning!!!⚠️

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(Nightmare's POV)

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n!
I gave her a Blue Rose, thinking it would cure my heat for her at the moment!

I feel so attracted to her, I wanted her badly but, I needed to keep my cool, but my lust is consuming me!

Nightmare then had such a perverted idea.

He laid down in bed, and took his pants off and sat them on the floor and reached down and grabs his member.


Nightmare started to stroke it, he moans as he continues, he thought of Y/n, he wanted her but, he couldn't just barge in to her room and let his heart and love for her take over and force her to make love, so, the best thing he could do was stroke his member to calm his lust.

He moans and groans, he couldn't stop, it felt so good. Til, he felt himself cum on his bed. He was tired and everything. He went to sleep with no more heat, he felt his lust leave him a bit, he fell asleep.

.   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .  .  .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .  

(Y/n's POV )

I woke up in the morning, I knew today was laundry day, and it was my turn.

I groan as I got out of bed, I didn't want to but I had to.

I went to Cross, Killer, Dust, and Horror's room to get there bed sheets.
Everyone was downstairs eating and watching TV, but, the last room I needed a bed sheet from was Nightmare's. I went in and got his sheet, but, something was wrong...it was slimy and wet! But, I quickly just this it was probably just Nightmare's goopy stuff, so, I wrapped it up and took it down to the Castle basement and washed it.

I smell my hand, it was weird.
Nightmare's goopy stuff didn't smell like this, it was a little white and a little see threw...oh no...

I realized what it was and sprinted up the stairs to the bathroom and wash my hands, I dunked my hand in soup and scrubbed the living hell out of my hand.

It was Nightmare's...*ahem* liquid cream...

I was about to throw up when

Nightmare: Y/n, are you ok?

Y/n: oh hey! Um... Nightmare...um, I just ... I'm fine!

Nightmare: You do know I am able to know your lying, right?

Y/n: y-yeah?

Nightmare: then why are you?

Y/N: I was just cleaning up the bedroom sheets, horror just had blood stains on them is all...

(Nightmare's POV)

Nightmare knew what she found, to be honest he didn't feel worried, he was glad, because, this was him moment.

Nightmare: Lier...

Y/n: huh?

Y/n's so cute.

Nightmare: You found my cum filled bed sheet, didn't you?

I smile devilishly, I couldn't hold it anymore, I need her this second.

Y/n: uh ...well, I ...uh...yes.

Nightmare got closer to her and shuts the bathroom door.

Y/n: Night, what are you doing?

I chuckled darkly, I then pinned her to the wall with my body, she was perfect, I kissed her passionately, she tasted like Candy Canes.

(Y/n POV)

Nightmare pinned me to the wall and kissed me passionately, I was scared and worried but, I fell for it. I kissed back, he seems to love my Candy Cane tasted mouth.

10 minutes do by and as I was kissing him, I felt something from his pants that was hard, it hurts my stomach a bit, I looked down to see Nightmare's member was glowing a light Blue, I blushed

Nightmare: Awww~ is my good girl blushing~

I blush more at what he called me.
Then he went to my ear and whispered.

Nightmare: how about we take this to the next level~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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