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Continuing from the previous chapter

Eventually, the crew decided to leave the cafe as the day transitioned into night and the town's lights began to illuminate the streets. Stepping onto the bustling street, their laughter and banter echoed through the air, creating a lively atmosphere that complemented the lively mood of the evening.  

As they strolled through the town center, now alive with the vibrant energy of the night. The streets were adorned with colorful lights, and the air was filled with the enticing smell coming from the food vendors on the street. The scent of grilled skewers, savory rice cake, and sweet treats mingled in the air, creating a mouth-watering reaction

"How about a quick snack before we go home?" Hyunjin suggested, drawn by the delicious smell of the food stalls. 

Jeongin, with a grin, chimed in, "I'm in! Let's make it an unplanned celebration to mark the success of our project's first meeting."

Felix nodded enthusiastically, "Sound perfect."

As they approached a bustling stall, Seungmin's eyes sparkled with interest. "How about we try the skewers? They're famous around here."

Jisung, not one to resist good food, agreed, "Skewers, it is." 

The group gathered around the stall, their laughter blending with the street sounds as they placed their order. With skewers in hand, they found a nearby bench, creating an impromptu picnic spot.

The crew indulged in their food, sharing bites and laughter under the flickering lights. The night was alive with the sounds of conversations, sizzling pans, and the occasional tune from the busker's guitar. 

Felix, with a skewer in hand and a satisfied grin, commented "You know, the food tastes even better with good company."

Hyunjin, nodding in agreement, added, "There's something special about enjoying a meal together on the streets we've walked a hundred times. Out town may be small, but it knows how to serve up some delicious food."

Jisung, savoring a mouthful of food, chimed in ready to tease Hyunjin, "Ah, Hyunjin and his sentimental comments. I suppose there's a romantic appeal to even eating food on the street when you're around."

Hyunjin playfully rolled his eyes. "Come on, Jisung. You secretly love it." 

Jisung nodded, letting out a fake, dramatic sigh, "Fine, you're right, there is a certain charm about it."

Laughter erupted among the friends over Jisung and Hyunjin's banter, the city lights shimmering in the distance as they continued to enjoy their spontaneous snack. 

With that, they went their separate ways home, each carrying a smile that reflected the shared excitement at the idea of getting closer to achieving their dreams. 

Whispers of Dreams  ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ (Seungsung FF)Where stories live. Discover now