1.3 part two: that's not how this works

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author's note: firstly, tysm for reading. you all are beyond motivation itself. secondly, i want to finish this story before Christmas, because you know would love to write something lighter, so brace for more content. thinking 6 parts, y'all down?


The journey was tough.

From the touchdown, Henry's chest felt shallow. He clutched his chest all the way back- almost grasping something gone.

As he pulled up to gates of Kensington, a wave washed over him, plummeting him into the depth of a blue. Down deep, the words were faint but resounding. Only the tender tugs of Shaan brought him back to why he came - Phillip.

Appearing as half the being whom he'd been haunted by, the dishevelled form of his brother appeared behind the equerry.

Climbing out, he fronts his brother


His voice crumbles under him.

Almost startled by the fact his brother would run to him after everything, Philip fumbles on the creases lining his robe, and responds bluntly


The younger one steps forward, clasping him into an embrace. Phillip twitches under the sensation.

Henry couldn't recall the last time his brother hadn't felt anything but resentment towards him, but although foreign, this felt right. Albeit they were long past it, it felt the normal thing to do.

His body betrays him and arms tighten around him. Tears tear out of him. Breaking the silence, Henry guides him back inside. Shaan and their supporting staff follow.

Managing their way up the inner working of their vast estate, they find themselves on the siblings shared landing.

Ajar, Henry turns to his old room. He turns to it, woefully. After a second, he leads himself back to Philip and Martha's bedroom. He waits by the the plank that separate his from the landing. He'd never been in here before. Even after the wedding, where the couple moved to their own estate, it still felt wrong.

The silence slices them. Even after all of this, they still were stuck in the hatred that festered the home. Well, until Philip threw a throw at him and looked at him. An olive branch

Henry walked in, wrapping it around him, cautiously yet hopeful. Maybe finally, he accept...

"Where's the boyfriend, then"

His ears start to quieten, yet his bitter note still penetrated. He squinted in confusion towards him, unclenching his tongue bit.


The brunt of Bea's hug shook him back. But more his now damp jacket sleeves, for she was holding 2 small children.

"Uncle Hen - ee"

Joy squeals, squeezing her arms around his neck so hard, the tie may have had competition.

All the weight of the world melts when he's in the presence of happiness incarnate: his niece, Joyceanne and nephew, Matthew.

Henry reciprocates & jolts up, grasping the toddlers in his arms,

"Hi Joy joy"

He kisses on the forehead, similarly, turning to the younger:

"Hi Hewie"

He turns to his sister, who has he eyes wide and her glowing smile

"Missed you"

i'm not leavingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora