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To embrace new possibilities, to make new friends and breakthroughs... yeah, I'm pretty sure we've all heard that before. People now resting in old antique chairs, couches, or pretty much anywhere, along with the white streaks running through their hair; They would tell stories about what they did, almost always starting with the opening "Back in the day..."

But just how easy was it?

"If we're gonna die anyway, then what's the point? We'll all grow old and frail if we don't do anything about it, and we're expected to be the ones to being more to put countries' plates, by sacrifice."

And ust like that, everybody has different views on it all might mean, most people simply sticking with what they know, and what they think is correct.

Thinking that you don't have anything to live for is actually quite the oversight, as anyone would be able to find ONE reason, AT LEAST-- maybe it's to hate everything? To tell horrible jokes and puns? Ehh, but let's not spend time on that.

Jokes aside, most of us find ourselves lost, especially during our somewhat tender ages of 19-22, when we're trying to find what and how to put ourselves together again, in the context of us being like an  incomplete puzzle, with 1 or 2 pieces being thrown under the couch, with the voice of young Andy from Toy Story echoing through their sometimes-hollow minds made of wood and/or plastic.

Alright, enough references. 


*brrrrrrrrrring brrrrrrrrrring* 

Her alarm clock shook violently as she fumbled onto her side to check the time.

*shuffle* *click*




Mei had practically jumped out of bed after realizing that her alarm clock had begun to go off probably about 15 minutes before, and she scrambled to get all herself ready and to do all things necessary before she left hurriedly for her job interview.

'I should really buy some more alarm clocks to amplify the noise.'

She slid across the shiny and mopped tile floor, almost dramatically as she made for the exit of her apartment complex. Upon leaving the vicinity of the building, the sea of people and umbrellas quickly swooped her in along with the rest of them. Fighting against the weather almost seemed like a bad idea; the forecast noted that winds may become harsh later on, and the pouring rain already seemed like enough annoyance for the day (though just being the morning). 

Cars honked loudly, and it was excruciating to stand in both ways; figuratively and literally.  Some groups that were also rushing along were probably of friends or colleagues as they were stuck to each other; clinging on for dear life. It was quite the opposite to how people were pushed and shoved left and right, with no one having any wiggle room as far as anyone could tell. People struggled throughout the wave, desperately geasping the chance to squeeze past each other as to not get left behind, which would probably be the worst case scenario... in their eyes, especially when thinking of those who were pushed into lights, parking posts, and sometimes even shoved into alleyways. The street sure was bustlin, even on this mucky rainy day. 

When people seemed to spread out with ease, Mei finally managed to catch a breather as she quite literally hung on to a lamppost.  She quickly noticed just how close the building really was to where she lived; saying it was nearby already felt like an understatement. The glass panes shone brightly as the sun reflected upon its' surface from beyond the clouds which(even so,) glared holes into her eyes. Sure, the company was all on financial aid and things of that sort, but wow, was the building built like a skyscraper.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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