Part 6: The Date

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After the events of the U.S.J, Class 1-B was given a 1 week break to chill and recollect themselves before they entered the U.A Sport's Festival. Izuku had used this opportunity to ask Komori out on a date, which she accepted gleefully.

Currently, Izuku was on his way to Komori's house and was chatting with WOU.

Izuku: So, another Stand User is aware of our existence?

WOU: Indeed. His aura carries more weight to it, and he's enacted Calamity many times and hasn't died yet. So, I assume his Stand Ability either makes him very hard to kill or he's figured out what I can do and is trying to avoid activating it. I believe the former is the more likely case than the latter.

Izuku: I agree with that idea as well. However, we won't have much to worry about, after all, Calamity is a fate that is unavoidable, regardless of how strong you are. Anyways, how's the Locacaca Project going?

WOU: I've finished the serum, however, I'm trying to synthesize it to a point where the Equivalent Exchange Process won't be as potent as usual, which isn't an easy process to do alone.

Izuku: I understand. Once I get done with my date, I'll hop over to the lab and see what I can help you with.

Izuku and Akefu would exchange some parting words before the old man would disappear and Izuku would arrive at Komori's doorstep.


Komori: IZU!!!

The door would open up and show Kinoko with a new style that threw Izuku off and made him blush slightly.

The door would open up and show Kinoko with a new style that threw Izuku off and made him blush slightly

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Kinoko: How do I look?~~

Izuku would chuckle slightly.

Izuku: Beautiful. You should show your eyes more, they're very easy to get lost in.

Kinoko would blush before hugging Izuku tightly and looking up at him with a cute smile.

Komori: Shall we get going?

Izuku: Of course. Let's go.

Izuku would lead Kinoko to a fancy looking restaurant that she's never seen before.

Kinoko: Um, Izuku, what is this place? I've never seen nor heard of it before.

Izuku:  This place belongs to a friend of mine, so I made sure to hit him up and see if he could get us a booth.

The two of them would enter the restaurant and Komori would be amazed at how elegant it looked.

The two of them would enter the restaurant and Komori would be amazed at how elegant it looked

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