3.6 The Band's Back Together

Start from the beginning

Y/N looked up at the sky. It had become dark as the storm clouds continued to rage on. He just hoped the kids had been able to get their equipment.

He had just finished working on the silos. He did his best with what he had, but there was still no guarantee it would hold. He just had to pray things would work out.

Suddenly, Y/N felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He wasn't expecting a call from anyone. He pulled it out and saw a text message from someone he hadn't seen in quite a while. 


Y/N smiled at seeing the text from his wife. But if she was saying to get to the bus station, then that meant she must be here in Summerville as well. He didn't have a car, so Y/N ran as hard as he could to the police station.

Y/N: Can I please go 24 hours without breaking into a full sprint?

He was panting when he made it to the station. He leaned against a metal beam to catch his breath. When he looked up he saw four figures. One was unmistakably the silhouette of his beloved wife. It took him a moment to realize the other three were his old colleagues. 

Y/N walked up to them. Grace had her back turned and was talking to the others. She turned around when she heard his footsteps. Tears immediately welled up in her eyes and she ran into the arms of her husband, holding him close. 

Grace: Thank God your alive!

Y/N: I'm okay. I'm okay.

Grace: When I heard about Egon, I feared you also...

Y/N: It's fine. I'm here. I'm not leaving you.

He held her face and she smiled at him. Her tone quickly changed when she brought up her hand and smacked him across the face. Y/N held his tender cheek in pain.

Grace: That was for leaving for five years!

Y/N: Yeah, I deserve that.

Grace: I understand why you did it, but at least give me a call every so often. And don't you dare bring up the birthday and Christmas cards! Those don't count!

Y/N: Sorry. Lost track of time.

Grace: We got so scared when you were reported missing! You nearly gave me a heart attack! Your little prodigy decided he would come and find you!

Y/N: Wait, don't tell me that our son is also here.

She simply smirked at him.

Grace: You know how he is. Always ready for the next big discovery, just like his old man.

Ray, Peter, and Winston walked over to the couple. Y/N walked up to them and pulled them all in a group hug. He pulled away and Peter patted him on the shoulder.

Peter: How are you doing kid?

Y/N: Better now that you're all here.

Winston: You look good, man.

Y/N: And you all... look like shit.

Winston: Yeah. You owe me a few lunches.

Y/N: I'll make sure to make that up to you.

Y/N looked over at Ray. The old man had a dour look on his face.

Ray: Hey kid. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I'm sorry I didn't believe Spengler. I should have been here for you guys.

Y/N: It's okay. You're here now. You're all here.

Ray: When we heard about what happened to Spengler, we were all devastated. Nobody could find you either. We didn't know what happened.

Grace: Yeah. Where have you been?

Y/N: I paid a visit to the other side.

Peter: What do you mean the 'other side'?

Ray: Wait, are you saying you actually went to the ghost world?! This is incredible! What did it look like?!

Y/N: Like hell. And this place is going to look like it soon if we don't do something quick.

Grace: Then it's a good thing I brought these.

She walked over to her car and lifted the trunk. Inside laid four proton packs and four beige flight suits. Y/N smiled and quickly pecked her on the lips.

Y/N: Honey, you are fantastic!

Grace: Well, someone had to clean out that storage unit of yours. 

Y/N: Suit up. The kids will need our help.

Winston: Kids? What kids?

Y/N: Egon's grandkids. They're finishing what he started. 

Just at that moment, they all heard tires screeching behind them. They turned around and saw the Ecto-1 drift past Spinner's diner and rocket past them. The siren was blaring loudly and the lights were flashing wildly. The vehicle was being chased by a terror dog.

 The vehicle was being chased by a terror dog

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Grace: Was that...?

Y/N: That would be our cue to go. 

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