Middle Air is where things happen

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Mizu was sat down in the plane, and felt the same presence from the gate. This time Mizu payed attention to it, but she was unable to find it. She waited until the plane had reached "cruise altitude" to stand up to the plane's bathroom. The plan was simple: go to the bathroom, use a "shinkastuki" spell for search any weird presence and when she find it, go there and exterminate it.

after she made all the plan, she stood up and went to the bathroom. She looked all the passengers and she noticed that almost half of them were sleeping, she realized that since almost all passengers weren't actually knowing what was happening, she can search it with all the time she wanted; Mizu reached the bathroom but when she wanted to enter she saw that the sign said that it was occupied. Mizu panic so she went back to her seat. 2 minutes later, Mizu saw someone exiting the bathroom, so she stood up and walked trough the hall. When she was in front of the door she entered to the bathroom. This room was a total mess, the color of the walls were beige and there were lots of graffities. Mizu tried to ignore all her environment and she went through all her business...

— She went out of the bathroom 2 minutes later and she walked to the front of the plane and started the searching. Firstly she made-up a spell for talking low so anybody could listen her while throwing spells. She looked at the pilots cabin, it was empty (empty of magic). Then she search on the first-class-section,
she noticed a little precense of magic but it was just an Okpa (magical bird), she continued walking and in the middle of the corridor that connects the first-class-section with the regular-class there was a high activity of magic. She used the ring (Sapiens Urdus) she had in her finger to harmonize with every power tree. She located some and she asked them if they had seen a person with high magical aptitudes. The 4 persons answered like they were on a chorus, "yes we had". Mizu begged them to tell her, but they try to negotiate with her in weird ways, so Mizu threw a Aeptis Chigu, a spell that finds water from a place requested and bring it to Mizu's hand. The spell brought the water and then Mizu directed it to the 4 men. When she saw that the spell had worked she realized that those guys weren't that powerful, because that spell was used as a fish-killer.

— Mizu continued searching in the plane signs of a powerful sorcerer but found nothing. She gave up a came back to her seat in the middle of Aka and Hatogori, Mizu saw that Hatogori was wearing a Jade earring so she took it, when the soft skin of Mizu touched the Jade it started shining, the Jade gave Mizu a signal that it was a relic, but Mizu that was scared as hell put back the earring on Hatogori's ear.

— The flight continued and no relevant things happend except for the pilot that confused south with west (obviously no one noticed except Mizu and Hatogori).
The flight ended at 5:40 and when Hatogori, Mizu and Aka where exiting the plane they saw Disa Shimhor talking with the pilot, they waited for her and when she noticed that they were there she apologize to them for the wait.
They walked through the airport and found the "food area", they looked for a free table so the can sit, and by 12 minutes of waiting someone finished his lunch and stood up from a table. Hatogori ran to take the table then he asked they to sit.

Disa and Mizu went to one of the restaurants that were in the hall. Aka and Hatogori remain on the table so no one could "steal it", Aka tried to remain in silence but she was unable, she asked why Hatogori has sent Mizu to a different place. Hatogori answered "She has something more important to do meanwhile we'll be searching the perfect  butler and maid". Aka understood and started asking if Hatogori can train her so she can be as powerful as his brothers. Hatogori said that when she had 16 years old he would train her personally. Then Disa and Mizu came back with 4 plates in their 2 hands, they were struggling so hatogori stood up and took 2 of the plates. Disa, Mizu, hatogori and Aka started eating and telling stories. Disa started talking about one of her trips to NYC (New York), she told they that she have 3 siblings, and that all 3 were on NYC looking for a job opportunity, but when they met the Wikhi all changed, they started to be paranoic because of the legends about Rinkitvein that were mentioned on the "Beast diary of Unfrhuns Vol. 1".

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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