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MEANWHILE IN THE LIVING-PEOPLE-PLACE-THING, apollo and zeph have been married for a while and are being gay and shit when BAM their collective dead boyfriend pops out of the ground!! obviously they are shocked and shit because why wouldn't they be. hya is also understandably pissed at zeph for, yk, killing him and also tries to be gay with apollo bc he had no idea how much had happened or how much time passed and apollo and zeph awkwardly explain that they're married now and hya is obviously very confused. apollo assures zeph nothing is gonna change between them because of this, but over time apollo and hya are spending way more time with each other and zeph basically gets forgotten. fuck apollo!!

athena appears soon after and hya introduces her to apollo and yay theyre friends now apparently apollo doesn't give a shit about what she did to zeph cause he's an asshole.

zeph keeps trying to convince himself that the shit between hya and apollo isnt anything but then sees them kiss and cue mental breakdown yay!! during this athena appears and manipulates zeph into throwing another discus at hya. halfway through zeph tries to stop himself but it didn't fully work, it still whacked hya just not in a deathy way. now apollo and hya hate him woo!! hes fucking depressed again and sobs a shit ton about yk, all his fuckin trauma and how even when he tried to do the right thing, athena controlled him and he wasn't able to and how he should just give into her and give up!! so yeah i think he's okay.


poof a persephone appears, she's been waiting all winter to return to hya.

she sees zeph in a very sorry state with his sobbing and metaphorical messed up mascara. she asks him where hya is because apparently she has no idea how to understand emotions (same though, neurodivergent icon) and he traumadumps about the love triangle (minus the murdery shit and athena shit). pers is also reasonably sad but understands him because she also loved hya so now theyre depressed besties yay!! zephyr starts finding life actually worth living and they're okayish!!

THEN BAM. ATHENA. always ruins the fuckin mood doesn't she?

she tells pers about how zeph killed hya (doesn't tell her about the mind control shit obv) and probs exaggerates shit because shes athena and does whatever tf she wants. so bam, zephs only source of comfort is gone because athena sucks. persephone leaves him and rips out his eyes while she's at it

he is now depressed and numb because he's been through all this fucking trauma and has no escape (being a god).

in the beginning zeph was the most sweet wholesome cinnamon roll but after all the shit we put him through he's grown cold and bitchy and more like the north wind boreas, causing people to mistake him for boreas in the myth, YAY DEPRESSION!!!

lmao we really thought we were gonna end it here but nOPE!!

timeskip a pretty long while after the drama. hya was made immortal and is married to apollo, zeph is still crying in the corner, hephaestus opened a popcorn shop, and athena still sucks.

the whole time hades and pers have been unhappily married and pers has still been going off to stalk hya. hades is upset because he feels like he has to choose between his wife and his passion for improving the underworld and shit.

one day, for reasons we're still trying to figure out, (no we fucking aren't that was a lie we don't care) our favorite whore, apollo, shows up in the underworld because he has a thing for depressed people. HADES AND APOLLO THEN FOR WHATEVER REASON HAVE A FUCKING AFFAIR BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT NOTHING MAKES SENSE HERE!!!

they eventually have to break up because hades obv can't continue this shit, cue angst and crying yay!!

anyways back to around the time we were talking about before bc fuck order im writing this at 1 am.

when athena gets pers pissed at zeph, pers makes the perfectly logical and not at all unreasonable decision to fUCKING CLAW ZEPHYR'S EYES OUT WTF PERSEPHONE.

so now he's sad AND blind yay <33

centuries pass n shit and medusa gets cursed by athena and she's also lonely and sad.

they eventually meet and zeph looks at her and she's worried she cursed someone else to turn to stone but then realizes zephyr is fucking blind lmao

he asks why she freaked out and she gives some nonspecific answer. they introduce themselves and medusa gives the fake name of mysios. they become good friends and traumadump about athena and abusive relationships, aww lil sad besties!!

they end up falling for each other, medusa still hiding her identity (haha titty- oh my god kill me), but zeph notices all of the weird plot holes in medusa's stories and background and keeps getting suspicious and stuff.

ENTER OUR LEAST FAVORITE GODDESS ATHENA, FUCKING AGAIN. cant fuck off for 5 minutes can we??

she notices two people who's lives she fucked with enjoying life and is pissed off. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS ATHENA. she goes to hya (during the hadespollo affair, apollo is away in the underworld so he can't tell hya not to trust athena) and talks to him about zeph and makes him feel guilty and shit about how much he took from zeph (wow shes good) he feels bad bc he's actually kinda nice and athena says he should restore zeph's sight as an apology (nah u gotta pull out the ukulele u fucking amateur) and we can all see where this is going. he eventually finds zeph and restores his vision to find out the secrets his girlfriend has and who she really is but oh no shes medusa and he turns into stone yayyy rip zephyr

This sounds like a logical place to end, right? Our long suffering hero is frozen.


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