"Am I on the list?" Fives curiously questioned.

"No," Kara answered.

"And I am?" Kix inquired.

"You shattered my bone!" Kara cried out. 

"Fair enough," Kix admitted, shuffling away.

"Is it piano lesson time? Why are you here?" Coda frowned as he stared down at Kara. "I haven't gotten the chance to find any music for you."

"No, but thanks for taking her off my hands for a while," Rex responded. "She's actually spending the night in here. Her wheelchair doesn't it into the cell."

"We're gonna cuddle!" Fives excitedly said.

"No, we are not!" Kara argued, grasping Rex's forearm with her hands. "Right?"

Rex hummed, feigning consideration. "I don't know..."

"Please!" Kara begged, shaking his arm.

"Alright, you won't share a bunk with Fives," Rex agreed. "But I'm not kicking anyone out of their own bunks and making them sleep on the floor. So choose. Share a bunk with someone or sleep in the chair and risk your ankle swelling."

Kara crossed her arms. "Fine. I'll share a bunk with someone."

"Great. Who?" 

"You." Kara wickedly smiled.

Rex frowned. "Wait, what?"

"Which bunk will we sleep in?" Kara asked, looking around.

"No, wait!" Rex could only watch as Fives pushed Kara's chair to his bunk with an evil cackle. "I changed my mind! I'll have Kix open the med bay!"

"No you won't. Kix is sleeping."

"Then why did Kix just speak?" Rex sarcastically asked.

Echo and Fives helped Kara out of the wheelchair and onto Rex's bunk. She laughed maniacally as Rex grumbled.

"Alright! Lights out!" Rex yelled, flicking the light switch.

Blankets rustled as everyone tucked themselves in for the night, Rex one of the last to crawl into bed. He shoved Kara over to make room for himself, yanking more blanket to cover himself.

It was going to be a long night.

"Maker, I'm sore," Rex complained as he steered Kara into the cafeteria.

Fives raised a brow suggestively. "Oh?"

"Yeah, she kept me up all night." Rex flicked the back of Kara's head.

"Hey!" Kara protested, rubbing the back of her head.

Echo curled his lip. "No offence, Captain, but that's disgusting. I don't need to hear about that."

"Hear about what?" Rex frowned in confusion.

"How she kept you up all night," Fives reminded him, nudging Kara.

"So?" Rex seemed to not understand still.

"It's true." Kara grinned. "He was awake all night."

"I was. Why is this so hard for you to get?" Rex asked Fives.

"Rex, they're saying that she kept you awake all night," Echo slowly said. "And you slept together."

"Yeah?" Rex was tired, slowing down his thinking. "And?"

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